Mekgineer Thermaplugg bomb target macro help needed

I’m our guild’s designated bomb killer. I am attempting to streamline the targeting. I found this macro:

/target [nodead] Incendiary Bomb
/target [nodead] Frost Bomb
/target [nodead] Radioactive Bomb
/cast Sunfire(Cat)

The first target works like a charm. But if Frost/Radioactive comes out, it fails to target. Halp!

I was just working on a macro for my guild, and I’ve narrowed it down to a macro that seems to work during all the phases but the final one, where all the bomb types come out and lay there as corpses. It seems to break only when there are corpses around, but it will still work as long as there aren’t bomb corpses of a different variety than the one currently alive.

Macro 1

/tar Incendiary Bomb
/cast [nodead,exists]Scorch
/tar Frost Bomb
/cast [nodead,exists]Scorch
/tar Radioactive Bomb
/cast [nodead,exists]Scorch

I’m no macro expert, but it seems like quite the challenge to try and get a macro work with multiple different targets and corpses of those targets within range. My newest iteration that I’m hoping to test soon removes what I believe to be redundant elements, and also refines the targeting operations.

My reasoning here is you want the first /cleartarget to not have a conditional because most of the time the player will be targeting the boss, and having [dead] would prevent the macro from switching off the boss. From there, the only time it clears the target is if it’s dead, which allows it to skip over corpses.

Macro 2

/tar Incendiary Bomb
/use [nodead]Scorch
/cleartarget [dead]
/tar Frost Bomb
/use [nodead]Scorch
/cleartarget [dead]
/tar Radioactive Bomb
/use [nodead]Scorch

I’d love to hear some feedback

I will give this a shot next time we go!

So far so good on the second macro. Initial feedback indicates it functions properly in all phases now.

Should be able to simplify it to

/tar Incendiary Bomb
/tar [noharm] [dead] Frost Bomb
/tar [noharm] [dead] Radioactive Bomb
/stopmacro [noharm] [dead]
/cast Scorch

What you guys need to understand is that the conditions are being tested against your current target, not the unit you’re hoping to target with the /tar command.

So this is essentially going…

  1. Clear your target
  2. Try to target Incendiary Bomb
  3. If your current target (Incendiary Bomb or Nothing) is dead or isn’t harmful (aka there were no Incendiary Bombs to target), then try to target Frost Bomb
  4. If your current target (Incendiary Bomb, Frost Bomb, or Nothing) is dead or isn’t harmful, then try to target Radioactive Bomb
  5. If you don’t have a living enemy targeted by this point, stop executing the macro
  6. Cast whatever spell
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