Alguien sabe por qué no aumenta mi estadística en maestría a pesar de que los hilos siguen aumentando? en Maestría tengo 49,325 (+189.00%) y en estadística de la capa tengo 31596 de maestía y a pesar de aumentar los puntos de maestría en la capa, no aumenta mi estadística porcentual, se queda en 189.00%.
Could be a bug who knows.
What spec are you.
Youd have more answers if you used Deepl.
Helping with translation.
Does anyone know why my mastery stat doesn’t increase even though the threads keep increasing? In Mastery I have 49,325 (+189.00%) and in the cape statistic I have 31596 mastery and despite increasing the mastery points in the cape, it does not increase my percentage statistic, it remains at 189.00%.
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