Megathread: Merge Skeram and Heartseeker

Hi everyone, opening up a more structured thread on the topic of merging the Skeram and Heartseeker wow classic servers. This has been a subject that many of the players/guilds on Heartseeker have been discussing over the past few months. The vast majority of the playerbase would love to see this merge happen.

My biggest concern is that upon TBC launch both Skeram and Heartseeker will offer no positive reasons to bring in new/returning players and these servers (despite their strong communities) will begin to slowly fade from medium to lower pop due to mass guild transfers/rerolls to other servers (Already taking place EX: ).

In wow classic there were two great reasons to play on these servers:

  1. The World Buff Meta
    Not having a large opposing faction to purge/pvp in the world has allowed for world buffing for raid to only take 20-25 minutes out of your day. With summoning networks located at every single WB hub you can quickly log in and grab your buffs while saving their full duration.
  2. Both Servers are PVP Realms
    This means that you have the option to transfer to another PVP or PVE realm if you so wish. Our servers basically function as PVE realms, but we are not locked from transferring from PVE to PVP like those players that have rolled on PVE servers.

Now that TBC is around the corner and world buffs will be a thing of the past, it feels right to merge these two servers with nearly identical populations (I also strongly support the merging of Incendius and Stalagg - populations can be seen if you google server population).

If our two servers were to merge we would have an overall population of around 4.3k active raiders. Many people are worried about making us a “mega” server, but if we were to rank the populations of all US PVP servers we would be the 9th/10th most populous.

This would breathe new life into the open world and would give a reason for new/returning/transfer players to come to Heartseeker+Skeram - a healthy server environment with longevity. In the modern state of the game why would these players ever come to a declining server over one of the top 10 PVP servers?

Please blizzard, do the right thing and merge these servers.



For the small fee of 25 bucks you can go wherever you want


This would be nice.


Just trying to offer an alternate way Blizzard might be thinking, they may be thinking the launch will solve to the issue.

I would say, hold on to this thought. Let’s let the TBC release happen and see how your servers look after the Launch. The problem may address itself with the new players joining and you may not need the merger.

Then again things may not get better and the merge can take place after launch.

I can see the appeal though, we have no real clue how long TBC Launch will be and the better option might be to do it now to address the current needs.

I fear that it will be too late for the server if the problem is not addressed during the Pre-Patch.

Edit: or at least a blizzard statement in regards to server balance during the Pre-Patch


My guild will CRUCIFY this topic upon finding it on the forums. I, however, agree!


Fair point.

From what I have seen the merging of these two servers seems like a good match and one the majoirity of the players on said servers want, so I see no reason not to do it.

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Players wont just up and join a server where its 99%-1% in favor of the horde.


This is a dumb idea.


Would definitely support this. There’s no reason to have PvP servers consisting of 99% one faction. When classic started I picked a PvP server for a reason, and honestly I think the servers should have been merged a long time ago.


You’re right :rofl:

Incoming salty elitist morons to accuse people of “fleeing” To heartseeker despite a merge being in literally everyone’s best imterests.


i 100% support this even though its unlikely to happen. world pvp would be nice to have again


Would make for a WICKED server integration. Literally a yin and yang scenario where balance could be attained. I’m all for this. If not we’ll all xfer off and kill another server. Give the people what they want Blizzard pretty please.


Thanks for your input Mr guildess pally who barely even logs in to play. 168 days played on HS and I’ve never even seen you in LFG chat :joy:

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What Bigsmooth said is absolutely correct.


Why, does your guild enjoy being on such a lopsidded server?

I mean I can see the appeal, you rule the server and there is really no competition, but doesn’t that kind of defeat the whole purpose of a PvP server? To practically be the only faction on it, you might as well be on a PvE server.

Yeah, we had a kid and had to juggle 2 full-time jobs during a pandemic. My priorities were elsewhere for a year.

Now I just farm gold and level alts.

The perfect server :flushed: sign me up

I can’t imagine there being many people who actually play on either server who wouldn’t want this