MEGATHREAD: 11.0.5 PvP Balance

Ele sham mastery stacking is nuts too, im playing ele in my resto gear and its just blasting people.

Build up a ton of maelstrom… Flame shock everyone, PW/AS, send dam and if you have ascendance plus heroism you can dump all your maelstrom in a matter of 1 sec no joke.

Hotsjk was in a Saul and Cdew lobby abusing the BM Hunter bug, cdew wouldn’t heal him and then he just stopped moving, offline, but not logged out. People think he got banned mid game.


I didn’t even know he still played.

That just sounds like he afk’d XD

Although, I was in a shuffle and went 1-0 and was about to win the second game (hunter cloned, healer in root beam, surge flying to the mage at 5%) and the game ended because someone left, but no one got the -150 rating… maybe hunter got lobbed?

fire mage and fdk in a nutshell…

Report the bugs in game if you aren’t already.


Hope so, I see a lot of them on ladder at 2300+ now, at least they’ll give some juicy mmr?

He was like mid run when he suddenly stopped and appeared offline so that’s why they thought ban.

Sub Rogue → Evis - 50% dmg please
BM → Fix the bug, remove all rating gained with it, ban them for a week for obvious abusing!
MM → Same here. Fix the one shot, ban them if it was a bug
Ele → See BM
Feral → Need -20% on bleedings
Assa → same as Feral
Fury → got them buffed lately? Feels suddenly op dmg again
Shadow → nerf dmg and healing

I am sure I forgot stuff, but we could start with that and see where we get.


i agree when a bookin or spriest and warlock can top 2.5 B damage in a bg and the one under them is at 700m , its a problem imo !

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I think the fix for ele shouldn’t be a damage nerf. I really dont think its how hard the abilities are hitting. Its how much haste we get from abilities.

Heroisim 25%
Primordial Wave - ~20%
Ascendance - 25%

Basically whats happening is Eleshaman are dumping all their damage with virtually no global cool down. If i dont have haste procs I can’t kill anyone in a PW/ascendance go.

IF i have all the haste procs people are sent to the create character screen. So if blizz goes after ele it needs to be the haste procs. cut them by half OR simply remove heroism as a pvp talent for ele.

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Bugs aside, for marks, I really don’t like the new dark ranger. If you get procs on your trueshot burst, you accidentally delete something. If you get no procs in your burst, you are doing significantly less damage than you were before the patch. If you ignore phantom pain damage in pve, it’s not performing any better than old dark ranger was, and I was under the assumption that old DR got scrapped because it was just worse than sentinel in all pve applications.

And then as far as timing goes, like we just got an entirely brand new hero spec tree that they put together over a patch cycle. It’s obvious that it was rushed and now we have to deal with the fallout of bugs in production.

Once the bugs are worked out and it’s time to tune, I’d really like to see them shift a lot of the high end razor fragment buffed black arrow damage back into aimed shot and rapid fire. Bm needs black arrow and bleak powder damage cut significantly with no further compensation to its hunter damage. TBH, I’d rather they just roll it back to the old dark ranger.

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Multiple specs are OP at the same time, keep it the way it is, let ppl have fun blizzard.


What about the hpal bug where you get infinite sac or whatever it is. Have they fixed that yet?

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knowing him, prob rage logged

dark ranger effects much more reliable with bm i think. but yeah 2 mill crit black arrow 2-3 times / with random aoe targeting is silly

It has beem shown time to time this is not how things should work. There is no “its fun when everyone is op”.

There is not “make everyone op instead of nerfing outliers” either. Please.

Fire and arcane mage seem to be doing way less damage than what the nerf said it would be. Rogue and hunters doing way more than they should. Fake casting causes the cast to get bugged in the queue so you can fire multiple spells at once if you fake cast a bunch of times (in arena). Elemental shaman seem to have bugged damage and are one shotting.

Just lots of trash bugs

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Need Death’s Chill to generate 3 stacks per Spellslinger Frostbolt in 2v2 or single target situations, there are not enough targets to gain stacks!

Fractured Frost should also apply the 15% to the main frostbolt in single target situations!

Also, Spellinger Frostbolt will still be 25% damage behind in 2v2 even with these changes in single target situations, as compared to dragonflight. Ugh!


This def needs to be a thing.

They need to hire PvP developers again, this is ridiculous.