Medivh Alliance Reconnections

Hey all it’s your favorite tank! Lumi from Medivh in Kingsguard. I used to play NE Warrior and just reactivated my account for classic. Where are we going Medivh, I see a lot of people saying Pagel? I’m going to reserve my name tomorrow. Miss all of you and hope to see you guys again!


Heya Pavel! Good to see ya again! Can’t wait to hit up classic with the old crew.

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Hey again Nightaura! It’s Lumi!

Set it up! Ryz#2144

Yes! My paladin Johnhenry was in that guild! The GM was also a Paladin named Eightbreaker (may have been spelled different). We called it “the spot” and used to gather there to trade items, have gear checks, or mostly because we were just bored and shooting the stuff :slight_smile:


Oh hey! I saw someone earlier in the thread said they were trying to get you back.

Still not sure on server though. Probably Herod or Whitemane for me.

< Kingsguard >
I pvp’d once or twice.


Allo All,
Main Was Hammahoof I didnt come over to Medivh until BC but played with alot of great folks that were around since vanilla on here looking for anyone from Hells Kitchen or Odyssey

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Ado - Dwarf Warrior
I think it was Ordo Maleus, Fury for a little bit, and Shadowed Fates at the end.

So nice to see all these names i recognize on here!

Didnt know you guys were on Rodcet Nife. I was a cleric in Ascent Savannah :slight_smile:

Alright, made a Discord server for the classic Medivh peeps… Apparently I “can’t include links in my post” so use invite code AvtDAYf.


Greetings all!

I got started playing a little over a year after launch (had a kid then… hard to play with a kid sometimes), but I played an Alliance Hunter named Sindt that was originally in ‘The Fallen’ and then moved later to ‘Soulless’.
One of my favorite things I remember was raiding Molton Core, and I was the only hunter allowed to use my pet so we could properly pull Baron Geddon. Good times.

Feel free to send me a message if anyone remembers me, I’ll be dabbling with Classic for fun.

Surprised how many of your names I remember.

Hai! Teagan here. Gnome Rogue
But seriously, I was in < Blades of Destiny> and many other guilds.
So amazing to see so many familiar names! Never thought I’d see Ryanosky again! omg <3
I’m undecided on a server yet, but thinking of an eastern PVP server.


Had a couple of characters:

Alence, Human Paladin, The Order of Medivh

Alerian, NE Druid, Shadowed Fates

Probably going Mage or Warlock.


Vulcana <WWN / Kingsguard> Human Rogue
Also played Perception (Human Paladin) and Sabros (Dwarf Hunter) in BC/WotLK.

I actually still game with a handful of old Medivh folks that I shared this thread with - almost all of them were in WWN or Kingsguard.

It’s insane how many of the people in this thread I remember… went down memory lane recently when a friend showed me this video about Lea and < Fury >.


Holy crap Lumi you’re alive?!!!?



Maio Maio

Faeia, NE Priest, Fury…used to pvp a lot too. Although I think want to play on a Pvp server this time around :slight_smile:

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Oh my god, Teagan, I love you. <3 I was Rio in Vanilla, but you might remember my Rogue, Fiana, from TBC.