Kirdra Night Elf Priest
TT - The Transcendent
Jalanna - Played a mage in Impervious and joined during BC. Didn’t play Medivh during Classic, but wouldn’t mind joining up with Impervious folks again.
Zenara: Rogue, Ring of Wolves
Arvalla: Hunter, Ring of Wolves
Azhurea: Druid, Ring of Wolves, Heroic Few, The Transcendent
Hello Orckilla! Muskeet and I will be active in classic and we have a few other folks coming from Shattered Fates if you want to join us.
Marce - Night Elf - Druid
< Fury > and < Kingsguard >
I remember you Muskeet from The Sidhe as well
Bbear - Holy Paladin back in the day. switched to prot in tbc.
The Sidhe. Sularus oth Mithas.
- I played as Trast, Night Elf Warrior
- I was originally with Shadowed Soul (Which came from Everquest on Cazic-Thule)
- I met a lot of people back then who made dungeon runs fun. I also pvp’ed a lot with an alliance group nicknamed “Team Topless” for our habit of fighting without our chest pieces to make it easier on the horde.
OMG, you’re still around!
NE Hunter - Ehahn - Ring of wolves
Be gentle, I was 12
Gnome Mage
< Fury >
(I transferred this character off Medivh a long time ago)
Mitch! Miss you bro! pmore#8875 on discord and tell Bruce I said PULL THIS ______ GDIT!
Orko - Gnome Mage - Heroic few in the MC/BWL days
Hey orckilla! Cless / Hitster here. Was a hunter and shammy in RoW & Swornoath. Good to see ya!
Came to this page to see this post. Havent decided if im even coming back but it warms my heart to know you guys are still going strong
Let us know Klaw!
Vindir (main)
Undead Priest
Effigy (Leveling)
Ascent (Vanilla)
Rhomel (alt)
Human Paladin
Ring of Wolves (Vanilla)
The Kaldorei (Vanilla)
Revelation (Burning Crusade)
The Transcendent (Wrath of the Lich King)
Dwarf Priest/Also Dwarf Priest
Spent time in Saint Anger, Godspeed, and Kingsguard in vanilla
Edit: My btag is Fabrica#1327
Anyone else remember Sanctus Preliator hanging out in the same spot in Ironforge with their white bandit masks?
-Helscythe, NE Rogue
-Cboom (alt), Gnome Warrior
-Hoping to connect with old guildies (ie: melisandre, lumi, faylana, auriana, olio, gumibear, xeliaexagor, berrybuckets, mcarthur, and much more), friends (people in fury/TT/ascent/BBB) and pvp teammates (Leneth’s bg group, shalis)
Most the names I see here I recognize! I’ve played with like all of you, from MC to Naxx.
Hogun, nice to see you stole my name! lol.
Oh wow Bibbit and Lupita! Pavel Theldra, Blasphemy and chaos!!! I might check out what you guys are up to although im probably moving horde with my RL friends. Its good to see all the faces, brings back memories! -Helscythe
cboom#3357 on discord, hysteria#1198 on bnet
Oh wow Helscythe I remember you!
Oh for the rest of the gang,
Since Medivh is EST,
Are we going Mankrik or Pagle for an EST Server?