Medivh Alliance Reconnections

I have a human priest named Wispr on Westfall now! Is there a guild?

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No raiding guild has been formed yet Leya. Krazykarl wants to wait until 40.

However I joined a family casual guild made up of former Medivh players who were part of Cry Havok. Their guild name is Ring Of The Eternal Light. They do not plan to engage in 40 man content.

HI Leya,

Sorry when you were messaging in the Medivh channel I was healing the Stockades so I couldn’t be as engaged. Right now there is a leveling guild that I was invited to that has a few hundred players of varying levels. I can send invites.

As for a more organized guild I assumed we’d wait till level 40 to see how things are fleshed out and decide then. The true Classic experience. Add me on battlenet and I can help out with wands and bags! :slight_smile:


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Haha that seems highly unlikely.

If anyone cares to add me my BT is Kalahad#1751


Btw Krazykarl I need bags what is your selling price ? Thanks in advance ! I can also send cloth as well.

I had also good experiences with Fury members.

I remember when my wife had an emergency, Kalahad asked me the day after if everything was alright.

Fury members also never hesitated to help me during 5 mans. Most of them were healers : Cin, Blue, Teeo, Chris. I had fun grouping with Fury DPS like Nicky, Caillie, Maio.

Hello all.

Deramas here. Was one of the officers in Perpetuity back in the day. It’s pretty awesome to see so many old names and faces in this thread!

I’m also looking for any old Perpetuity members to connect with…

Doug (Durinmaleus)

So many more toon names I’m forgetting…

Made a toon named Deramas on Pagle in Classic. Can also find me as Wojo on retail. I play on Proudmoore alliance side.

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i posted eariler in the thread but now that names have been reserved i had to go with something other than Orko for Pagel. i am now Upsig and nodose if anyone remembers me hmu.

What server you all went in classic ?
Sirvlad, Human paladin !

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Fubar ! i wonder what he became :stuck_out_tongue:

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The Medivh Vanilla players are currently playing in two servers : Westfall and Pagle.

Fubar never stopped playing. He is still at Medivh and has several alts.

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G’day Tir, Taceilla and Tyriall,
Tono - NE Hunter. Remember you all from back in the day. I was an Aussie noob who some how ended up on Medivh in vanilla - a server that was overflowing with talent.
We had a good Aussie crew and I remember lots of late night runs led by Razorbax with Sera and guest appearances from Rascal and Zej. Have you guys chosen a server?

did you end up on Atiesh?

Now that the dust has settled for the most part (Besides the queue line boss)

The majority of Medivh Alliance seems to have gone to Pagle where a handful went to Westfall.

Don’t let the numbers or amount deter you from picking a server where your friends are obviously.

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Mitch from TT here…for anyone interested I am playing on Pagle Alliance PvE and Rattlegore Horde PvP…


We who are in Westfall are happy with the crowd in Westfall. That’s all. K thx bai !

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Vitorgrifon - human paladin
Vitor - dwarf priest

i was in Kingsguard and Legio Fulminata with Fubar running it.

I was only 14 when I started playing so having a hard time remembering names of people I played with. So if you remember me just say hey.

I was in dawnbringer for a bit, I played Vixx a human mage. Had a falling out, but had so many good times in the guild. I remember Elilane and Elvick. Also zih.

All of these posts are blasts from the past. I remember Lonefox and Brats of the Storm with Ellament and Paganini. I think Brats was our first family in WoW. Our alts Eiliabet, Brinetta, Pagameanie, etc. raided with Heroic Few (with This-druid, Medivh-warlock, etc), Cheezburger, and many pugs over the years and expansions. We’re going to add to the Pagle-load.

I used to play a Dwarf Hunter named Rapid i was in and from what i can remember, I was like 12 at the time 26 now