Mechanization Suggestions from Erazmin/Pristy Quickcharge Request

Prince Erazmin and Pristy Quickcharge in Mechagon both give suggestions to your character as to how mechanization would benefit them - Erazmin gives based on class, and Pristy based on race.

I’ve been compiling a gallery of the suggestions, but as I have something like only 4 classes at max and 3 of them gnomes, you can imagine the sort of bind I’m in.

That’s where you come in! I need people of different races and classes to talk to them and (ideally) screencap or copy-paste what they say to you.

All class-based Erazmin suggestions are complete! Now I just need a bunch of races (especially allied races!) for Pristy.

imgur link
/a/YGyzDzO Prince Erazmin (based on class)

/a/2xletD0 Pristy Quickcharge (based on race)
Needs: Worgen, Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, All Allied Races (except Nightborne)


Hey, now.


peak performance…

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h ttps://imgur. com/6nUeOn5

h ttps://imgur. com/IoZ8yJE

Kind of lame for me

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Got this one from Pristy Quickcharge on my Dwarf here!

http s://imgur .com/a/5SKcBsK

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I must say, I quite like Erazmin’s thoughts on Mages. I also find Pristy’s assessment of Night Elves to be simultaneously intriguing and disappointing, mainly because she never actually suggested anything.

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Most fascinating!
Also that fills up the class ones!
So far from Pristy we have:
Night Elf

Also you can just copy/paste everything after the .com portion of the imgur link. It goes through.

EDIT: I forgot to get warlocks. I need warlocks!

You can also just put everything in between ` marks.

it does this and lets links go through without making links that are a complete pain in the bottom to fix.

I always wondered how to do that.

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Bumping this to the top of the page because I’m still looking for answers!

Pristy Quickcharge’s recommendations to Blood Elves, about which I’d like to see significantly more research before I get too close to her tools.

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Thanks! I added it to the Pristy gallery.



Edit 1: Eh. Sorry, I’m not too familiar with posting pictures from imgur. Sorry about the zoom. Working on it.

Edit 2: Got it :smiley:


That second one was neat. It’s a shame they use the same lines for belves and shelves.

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I’ve amended the post. Thanks for your input! The Prince Erazmin class-based suggestion gallery is complete!

Now I just need a bunch of races from Pristy!

They do? Aw man, and I was feeling special.

Yeah, I had a feeling that’d be the case so I just amended the one I had for belves to say “Blood Elf/Nightborne”

It’s actually the same with priests and paladins, only the single line about who Prince Erazmin told the joke last to is amended to be either a priest or paladin depending on the player.

Interesting his suggestions for demon hunters. I would have suggested a full fel gnomish cyberpunk makeover :wink:

Those warlocks I bet would look like mo’arg when they’ve gotten their upgrades.

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Gotta say i love that Erazmin doesn’t want to deny monks the feeling of physical inprovement.

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I agree - and that he actually -warns- Demon Hunters away from going too far with technological physical improvement.

Edit --> Or was it Warlocks? I forget. One of them.

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