Mechagone heroic locked

I did the first heroic, killed HK-8, and now the other heroic Mechagon dungeon is locked. Any way to fix as I believe I need both sides and the king to unlock Mechagnomes.


Same issue here. Was queued to do both, killed last boss in first wing and now locked for both.
Today was supposed to be my Mechagnome day. :frowning:


Same issue here. :broken_heart:

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Same exact issue here as well. :roll_eyes:

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Just realized the same thing here. Queued for both, cleared first wing, but shows both wings locked.

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Likewise. Responding with the hopes that this will be acknowledged as a bug.

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Well, I waited a few hours and a GM responded, but they didn’t read my message on not being able to get into the second heroic Mechagon dungeon because of this bug. Instead they assumed it was because I didn’t have enough rep to unlock Mechagnomes. I’m exalted if they even bothered to check…doh. Looks like its not happening tonight then.

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Definitely bugged and it’s thinking it’s all one dungeon and locking us out of both when completing once.

Ran into the same issue, qued for both and doing the second wing locked the first wing.

Surprised this wasn’t caught during PTR testing.

I posted about this already, but this seems to be the popular thread ><

To be clear, as I recall I did NOT queue for both wings. I wanted to do them in order.

I tried it on another character and only qued for the first wing and got locked to both again