Mechagon Mythic Plus?

Will we get Mechagon in Mythic Plus? and how would it work with the dungeon being so big? curious not sure if Kharazan did that somehow.

Yea probably next patch 8.2.5 or 8.3. They did the same to Kara. It was one big dungeon that was broken in half and modified a little to make it m+ friendly.

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Same way Kara did it, likely.
Two separate M+ dungeons.
It was “lower kara” and “Upper kara” so I imagine “Inner mechagon” and “outer mechagon?”

I would expect this to happen in season 4.
The bigger question is how to balance the trash, as the inner segment has zero avoidable trash, and some of the hardest packs in the entire game, while the outer segment has freehold level of trash that can be skipped just be not walking near it.

Will be very interesting too, as the final fight in outer will be 5+ minutes long, right?
No way you will 1 phase it on tyrannical, probably no way you will 2 phase it.
They might need to change it so he doesn’t go away until you get him to 50?


Then you wouldn’t burst on that phase and burst on phase 1 instead. It’d flip the fight completely lol.

It is interesting to see how they will change it all for m+.

Yeah, I too see it being cut in half. Both halves would have suitable final bosses, but the trash in the second half would be…odd. It’s mostly narrow hallways with no LoS, so if Voids show up I can’t help but think there’s gonna be death skips aplenty.

That’s of course not including just getting stomped by pre-King trash.

Look forward to seeing what they have in mind 'cause that’s one dungeon I’d be interested in doing M+ for.

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Looking forward to the trash pack before king on teeming/fortified.


Ya, its just a mechanic that is tuned for the way it is now. Doing it on like 20+ tyrannical would mean you’d have to do that phase like 4+ times? Maybe more like 5+?

Don’t think that’s the intention of the mechanic.
I would assume it would be changed to be more like Sethrallis last boss.
Overcome a challenge, then accomplish a numbers goal, no time attached to either.

I hated m+ Kara and I’m sure I’ll hate Mechagon too. When I went through there last week I was thinking about how the bosses and trash will be with certain affixes and frankly I just don’t want to deal with that headache as a holy priest.

Very true. I didn’t mean my initial comment as a “no they will never do that.” I was just pointing out it would completely flip the fight as it is now with holding your burst for phase 3.

Since there is a few seconds of travel time to get from the top platform to the boss people could have the healer finish hacking to have the dps and tank standing at the boss waiting for phase 3.

There will be little tricks popping up between now and then to speed up that fight.

Do you think the phase 1 boss would be affected by tyrannical?

It won’t be scary without the hardmode mechanics.

That said, explosive trogg boss will be entertaining.

I can already see me going the way I did with Kara: never do M+ lower Kara/outer Mech, love upper Kara/Inner Mech lol.

Can’t imagine how annoying upper Mechagon is going to be with stuff like Sanguine.

People are going to do the same they did with karazhan - announce that one of the wings is exponentially harder and avoid it to the best extent.

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itll come out in S4, so void emissaries or emissaries in general wont exist beacuse we’ll have a new affix

Not sure really. I think “adds” on fights are affected by fortified right?
I know many of these mobs were like this in Legion, but I’m not actually sure if that is still the case in BFA.

They might add specific sets of time per expected additional phase required to be done just for that boss.

Figured I’d just quote my post. I don’t want to see it turned into mythic+ that’s been done in legion and I don’t care for a repeat.

The dungeon won’t be relevant when M+ releases for it though. M+ has plenty of difficulty, it’s just some people are slow, or want ways of cheesing the dungeons without a timer to follow.

And +15 keys are harder then cata heroics ever were tbh.

Yeah its not getting turned into M+ until season 4, for this season its literally what you are asking for in your original thread, and only getting added to the rotation once no longer relevant

I want it to stay a hard mythic only dungeon that drops normal/heroic loot for the next raid tier.

Ya they arent gonna update all their old dungeons every raid tier would take too long and the playerbase is too widespread in terms of skill.

For a lot of ppl mechagon is faceroll ez mode, i got the hertz locker achieve on accident last week just doing hard mode, didnt even get on voice until last boss.

What is a challenge for me isnt for someone else, which is where M+ comes in.

Btw im not stroking my own epeen, there is always a bigger fish, while i might be challenged on a +20 other ppl might find that ez mode.

Thus is the glory of M+, it provides a meaningful challenge to a wide pool of players.