Mechagnomes quest experience (still takes forever 2 expansions later)

Having spent the past 2 days going back to some old Alli characters because you cant complete The Mechagonian Threat on a Horde toon and just switch back to a high enough level Alli toon, because that would be to easy.

Maybe I am not sure what to do next, but that’s not the point I am making here.
Why is it SO difficult to unlock Mechagnomes in comparison to the Vulpera?
I feel like my time is being disrespected with the amount of objectives I need to complete to even get the Allied Race quest for them.

Would it be so hard to add a Point A to B quest starting at your respective faction that takes you through ONLY the quest you need to complete the achievement. Bip boop boom, all done no hassle.

This would clear up so much confusion on forums world wide for new players.

Reach Level 50
Starter quest for The Mechagonian Threat appears(From faction)

How is that so hard.