I just returned today, started leveling this guy, and have been enjoying it (the racials are outstanding). Then I went to xmog his gear so I didn’t have to stare at heirlooms…
Is this for real? We only get tighty whities as legging options? You couldn’t give us some shorts or pants cut in half, Blizz? Lmao.
I’m not even mad. It’s funny. I’m just worried the hilarity is going to wear off before I get to 120, seeing as I already have a Gnome Hunter at 120. I was going to swap them and race change the old one. Now, I might just unlock heritage and race change this one instead.
Any news if they’re going to give Mechagnomes more robot part options? Seems weird how limited options there are on the creation screen, considering gloves, legs, and boots don’t show on the character.
PS - Is this what people meant by diapergnomes?
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It’s cause mechagnomes are superheroes. Spandex underneath or not, the exposed underwear gives you your powers.
When my undead get joint skin and a chiropractor you can have your pants.
It’s pretty bad. Unfortunately my lock (a vulpera) turns into one when using merc mode and becomes hideous, even if I don’t use mogs that convert or revert (like PvP mogs). They really should do something about them. I get that the legs are part of the defining feature but it’s just so bad.
You’re getting that option in Shadowlands! Skin for your joints, anyway.
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LMAO @ Diapergnome racials being good.
Mechagnomes are middle of the pack at best, their racials are nothing special so don’t waste your time with them.
They also look hideous so honestly just get your heritage gear and delete it the novelty will go away really fast.
I don’t understand why Mechagnomes can transmog leg items, but the extra 3D parts on the hips/thighs for the newer gear don’t show up. Especially when that stuff does show if you transmog a robe that has it. It makes no sense to me.
WoTLK Mechagnomes would have been amazing. I’d love a full Robot race like the Mechari from Wildstar. The Mechagnomes in BFA are okay, but meh.
Wear a tabard. It covers the pants area and you don’t see the diaper look. The Mechagnome tabard is ideal for this because it looks more like a shirt than a regular tabard. That or find a mog that matches color with the robo parts and it doesn’t look so bad.
It really isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. Too many haters out there who wanted something other than Mechagnomes have blown it out of proportion out of spite.
I’m not a min/maxer so having lockpick and mirror image on a hunter is a ball to me. My lockpicker (Rogue) has always been Horde.
Also, my main is druid, so one set of Gnome racials vs another isn’t a huge deal to me.
Yeah, I’m thinking once I get high enough lvl to xmog all the robes my druid unlocked, I’ll go with one of those.
Agreed. I was one that wanted full robots like in Mimiron. I don’t find what we got terrible, just wish there were more creation options.
Also, I loved Wildstar. Really miss my Chua and was hoping we’d get Tinkers to help fill the void.
I might be one of the few that absolutely loves my decrepit Undead. I wish there were even more zombie options. The way my lock shambles around gives me joy.
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It’s a part of the appeal innit? You get to see the leg cogwheels spinning and it looks kinda cool.
It wouldn’t hurt for them to have more colours for our robot parts (maybe use the colour suite available to colour our mechanocats) but besides that I’m finding it so fun to play.
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To an extent, yes. Part of what I’m saying is like you said, color options and such. Legs, for instance, have two options: one with plates on the thighs and one without. Since legs and feet gear don’t show, I’m suggesting they beef up those options.
When it comes down to it, every other race gets hundreds of leg and feet options. We get two.
You can mog that set, from the quest with the wyrm mount you get from shadowlands pre order (or just clicking on someone’s wyrm mount, to start the quest
) Eternal Traveler, that was it!
It looks pretty good on a mechagnome, you almost can’t tell it is one then (unless you are not wearing the hood, sporting the mechagnome head gear like your character has.) I played with the dressing room on Wowhead, you can also find color/combinations of your mechagnome headgear that go pretty well with that set.