Mechagnome Love Thread đŸ„°

I too have ruminated on that.

I really wish the Mekgineers had added those armors as options for not just us but everyone. They’re very fashionable.

Especially among Mechagnomes. I would love to have them for my off duty attire.


I just made a discovery that Angry Orcs can have the most primary stats than Mechagnomes if they’re intellect class like Mages, Warlocks and perhaps Resto or Elemental Shamans.

So far, this character is my only successful one. I have not played my Mechagnome Monk for ages and monks (especially MW monks) are ehhhhhhh

Is Strength more scarce and therefore more valuable than Intellect? Who knows. :confused:

There really need to be more customization for the Mechagnomes and not just Mechagnomes, perhaps Nightborne too. The Kaldorei, Rendorei, Sindorei and the Draenei got enough love.


Don’t forget LFD needing at least some of the options their brethren got.

I can’t believe that they didn’t at least get the tail options!


Mechagnome love thread?.. I love how unpopular they are, that is the only lovable part about them.

Blizzard did a mistake by not releasing them on April 1, it would be fitting and make such a joke race meaningful at least, huehue.

I found mechagnomes ghastly at first. Voluntary self-mutilation, I’m surprised that they weren’t a horde race. But I went full mecha when I tried one, enjoyed the versatility. Best concept class imho is marksmanship hunter, with a mechanical pet, a ray gun, and a mechanical mount. Profession: engineering.


I went with blacksmithing myself. Though I admit that was for RP reasons and I have switched between blacksmithing and engineering a few times.

But I agree, mechagnome hunter is hard to beat.

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People said the same thing about pandas. At the end of the day mechagnome fans have the last laugh.

You can’t have the last laugh when people non-stop laugh at you :smirk: there is no last laugh, it is infinite.

But you can when you realize that Mechagnomes came in place of what many of these people wanted. Sethrak fans in particular have been crying about the inclusion of mechagnomes since their inception and the endless see of salt is real for them. The reality is that most of the people opposing mechagnomes are in pain over not getting something else they wanted.

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I wouldn’t worry about that one much.

They’re level ten, with a troll name don’t even have a picture up yet and 350+ posts of nothing useful.

He’ll also be quitting in the very near future or so they say. :roll_eyes:

Just thinking of what they think posts like that will net them in the long run confounds me.

Do they think we’ll suddenly come to our senses? Do they think blizzard will remove us? Are they trying reverse psychology and actually hoping to drum up more support for us?

Trolls rarely make sense with their posts. Best to just ignore a small fry like them.

I’ll continue to enjoy playing my Mechagnomes for the foreseeable future, and cannot wait to see what options (hopefully) the Mekgineers will think up for us in the future.

Mechagon Prevails!

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Imagine if we could’ve gotten a brand new race, but no, we get steampunk gutter gnomes.

This ones got even less post history but at least they have been posting what appears to be more than useless bashing.

And they have a picture. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I prefer Junker Gnome if you must use our non-official names. At least that refers to those who lived outside Mechagon.

We barely even have gutters anymore. We traded them out for far more efficient drainage options.


I mean. Pretty much all other allied races were variants. I am not sure what you were expecting. Mechagnomes were inevitable.


Resistance is futile. We are the Mechagnomes. Your biological and (ahem) technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

Mechagon prevails!!




People will try, but mechagnomes will prevail.


It is important to integrate good ideas and technologies into our own to ensure we remain well educated and advanced.


As soon as we close our minds to new ideas we walk the path designed for us by King Mechagon. We can never let this happen.

And once the other races of Azeroth ,besides the Goblins, actually decide to develop some technology I’m sure we’ll be more than open to observing how adorable it is.



Freedom and advancement as individuals will empower our minds and our people!

May we never have a King Mechagon again.

King Mekatorque though. Seems like he’ll be very good for us.

Now now don’t count the other races out.

Dwarves have marvelous technology, though they started with our help. The Dark Iron clan especially took it and ran.

Draenei arguably have better technology than we do, they merely find themselves held back by dogma and moralities.

And let’s not discount the modifications orcs make to their goblin developed tech.

Many races have much to offer even if it’s not like our own technology.

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Were you born a troll or did you just really work hard at it?