Mechagnome Love Thread šŸ„°

These people are one of the many reasons I am happy mechagnomes become playable. They are utterly and incessantly toxic. Most of the people you see doing this are usually associated with the Sethrak discord and they have pretty much been on a campaign not only for Sethrak as an allied race, but to try to silience and shut down mechagnomes as an allied race and the people who support them. Some sethrak fans like Coaxil, Badgzak and Nazendra are very good people, but unfortunately the bulk of them pushing for this race as very nasty about mechagnomes. Its deeply saddening. I donā€™t think any group should ever be in a situation where they feel they need to defend themselves from a fanbase with a different ideological viewpoint or political interest.


Given your words Iā€™ve at least narrowed it down to these two.

Iā€™ll fiddle some and see what I like.


Goodness, I had no idea about this. The logical argument would be to advocate for sethrak in addition to mechagnomes. Especially when thereā€™s no need for their preference to be at the expense of other peopleā€™s. Regardless, mechagnomes already exist as a playable race, so no amount of advocacy on their part will change that.


Yes. Those people who do this are hurting their own cause. If every Sethrak fan was like those I mentioned before, their cause would shine much more brightly.


Youā€™d think right?

This is what I fight for regarding Sethrak.

Both races are great and Iā€™d like them both on the Alliance. :gear::snake:

The amount of people who want that is astounding but you are right. Regardless of how they feel we will always be here.


There is an extremely vocal minority among the Sethrak fans who fully believe (Falsely) the only reason they havenā€™t received their precious sneks is because Mechagnomes have somehow stolen one of the finite allied race slots. In their blind rage they deny the existence of Mechagnomes fans or lash out at us viciously.

On those occasions we try to remain upbeat, positive and spunky. We highlight the virtues of our race and the strengths we bring to the Alliance.

Though on a few occasions some have been able to trigger the Fel rage in me and I launched a few Hands of Gulā€™Dan at them. Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to maintain greater self control in the future.

And sobriety is also a goal of mine.

Mechagon prevails!!!


Aw. :frowning:

Well my regret is the Mage Tower appearance but an appearance can incentivize me so muchā€¦

So much as the green fire as well as a pretty edgy title.

Give them a try. Give them a try in Shadowlands too! 2 Handed Frost returns!

Well that makes their passion 99% stronger but 55% less efficient.


And I apologize for that. I may not be one of those Sethrak fans but it feels bad.


You have always has been a very kind and positive Sethrak fan. I wish all sethrak fans were as nice as you. People can be nice and civil even if they donā€™t like something. These people who support kindly and the ones who make me wishful they get their request honored. But the ones who keep spewing negatively, I quite frankly wish would stop and put someone else in charge.


Greetings brothers and sisters. I have returned from quite the hiatus. Good to see this thread still going strong. Unfortunately I did lose my hat while away.

Quick query, can anyone recommend a potential upgrade to stop debris from clogging my gears?
Recently went to Volā€™dun and that sand was murder on my parts.


I donā€™t even believe that there are many Sethrak Fans who feel that way. I choose to believe that most just love Sethrak and donā€™t hate us. Itā€™s just that small numbers that are so loud it sways others or just gives the impression they are more numerous than they really are.


Welcome back Hobbs! Sorry about your hat.

Do what nature does. Grease. Lots of it.

One of the things ear wax deals with is particulate getting into the ear canal.

I know exactly how you feel my friend.

But we need to remember we are not those sethrak fans. We donā€™t need hate. Just snakes. :snake:


On some level I would also like a playable Yuan-ti. But not at the expense of my beloved Mechagnomes.



I wish this was true, but Iā€™ve done extensive research, checked profiles, checked other forums, the discord and Iā€™ve determined the following things:

  1. Just about all of the primary supporters on this forum and other forums have a very similar mentality. Of all the ones I checked in the discord, I could only find a few who didnā€™t share in this mentality. Howeverā€¦

  2. To give them credit where due, some of them share some negative opinions about mechagnomes, but arenā€™t actively trying to shut down or even against being mean to mechagnome fans about this. And its not wrong to have opinions after all. Just there is a line that must not be crossed.

  3. There is a lot of people who are Sethrak fans, but also love mechagnomes and/or not hostile, but unfortunately a huge majority of these ones are not the really vocal ones. Coaxil/Fezzy is a good example of one.

  4. Some of the hate isnā€™t coming from Sethrak fans, but from the anti gnome crowd or people who just wanted something else.

So what I have concluded is that yea. Its true that lots of sethrak fans really arenā€™t like that, but the main ones lobbying for the allied race, for the most part are. And here is the problem. A small group of people can influence the masses when they are very vocal. Whatever can be done to curtail this should be done even from the side of the sethrak fans.


2757 posts. Way to go my little mecha-pals. Playable Dark Irons and Mechagnomes were the best decisions Blizzard ever made for this game.

Derbert says hello.


Yep and we are going to keep it going. Lots of genuine love to spread here.


Well done. Did you ever go about gettinā€™ yer own little mecha-pal, there, Gnomest?


Come shadowlands I plan on leveling one. I was going to level one earlier, but I was focused on my goblin Evablossom at the time. Its the character I wanted to main for the remainer of this expansion.


Itā€™s funny how much race plays into things. I canā€™t stand rogues, but once Derbert took on his mechanizations, I found the class much more palatable. Playinā€™ that little mecha-tike was so much fun that my distaste of the class faded away for a while.


I mean, I canā€™t stand playinā€™ rogues. Rogues themselves are fine, present company included. Heh.

Anyway, sometimes a goblin calls to ye, sometimes a mechagnome calls to ye. I get that.