Mechagnome Love Thread đŸ„°


Atziri would love that.

EDIT: Wait
 she might lose the Haste bonus though.


I’m a big fan of Kelfin!

And Mechagoblins would make me feel immensely better about being Alliance and not Neutral.


To be honest my only real issue with Mechagnomes is how restrictive the mechanical bits are.

Like I would totally make my Hunter gnome a Mechagnome if i could have only one robot eye and an arm.


To that end I do not blame you.

I honestly want a slew of more options and am hopeful with the AR customization pass that Mechagnomes will get just those sorts of additions to our look.

Also more metal colors
 and robotic eye colors. (I secretly want red colored mech eyes) And given the blind option many races are getting I’m sure that one robotic eye and one regular would be right up that alley.

Mechagon Prevails! :gear:


Oh, lovely, the “mechagnomes stole sethrak from us!” delusion.

You were somehow convinced that you’d get a race with no rep available to Alliance players, and one that the Alliance hero had very little interaction with compared to the Horde hero saving them and their loa, because the Horde playerbase were expecting to get vulpera, so obviously the Alliance was going to get sethrak for symmetry, right? Then instead of getting the hint that that wasn’t happening, you scream into the void over gnomes and gnome fans finally being thrown a bone. The idea that mechagnomes “cost” you anything is laughable.

You weren’t getting that, either. The Horde got vulpera, but they’re still just reskinned goblins with a lot of the same animations.

It’s funny, yet not surprising how much toxicity comes from the people against mechagnomes, while the people that like the race might be some of the nicest members of the community.


Mecha-Gnomes are universally hated. Every time I see you being overwhelmed by Horde, it’s nature correcting a mistake.

More correctly its the Horde going for the actually dangerous target.

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I see you’re still digging yourself a grave here.

Shall I write you a tombstone as I assimilate your flesh and soul to further augment my strength?

Or do I get my Unholy Death Knight for more morbid means?


Instead of strength, invest in some height. I thought the Borg were supposed to be smart Lopukus? And to think your mocking Jean Luke Picard as you masquerade as a elderly toddler

It’s a reference, you fool. Something you don’t seem to understand.

You will learn to coexist with the Mechagnomes or suffer like a dog that you are.

Resistance is futile. But it’s your choice, Worgen.

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Ukhu is writing. This should be mildly interesting to see.


We all love Mechagnomes!
We all hate the Alliance

With that logic, we kill Mechagnomes.
We do it with sadness

(With the exception of that annoying MG Priest hiding in the bushes and free healing his team because we simply don’t see him.)

Let us exchange Baine, Thrall and all teh traitors
for Mechagnomes, model T-800++
Simply imagine Mechagnomes with as many spikes as Orgimmar!



I was not disappointed. :smiley: @Ukhu


And like your performance in both genres, it fell short.

I will never coexist with the likes of you. I’ve drawn my line, no further!

Don’t make me get Janeway

He is never disappointing!


Honestly I have reservations about being against the Horde. Both Alliance and Horde helped us. I understand us sticking with our Gnomeregan cousins but I am remiss to simply assume the Horde, and especially the Goblins, are my enemy.

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It’s your funeral.

My friend, Janeway would smack you down and out for this behavior.

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She would wipe out this Borg’s Baby Muppet carnival show and I would throw in Seven of Nine for good measure.

Fun fact, that’s my Monk’s Name! :smiley:


Oh! I think you’ve brought her around here.

Very nice name.

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