Mechagnome Death Knight Thread

Where are the Lich king mechanicals perfections?


The fact a “machine” can become a death knight is outright stupid.

The fact Orc’s can’t be druids is even more stupid.


Bolvar was just desperate. Like, really desperate.


You junker gnomes sicken me. Those of you that play melee classes, and especially death knights have made my list.

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If they hadn’t chickened out and gone for full mechanization they would’ve been safe from that fate.

I’m going to be shocked if you can find… we’ll say 5 more mechagnome DKs at level 120.

almost as dumb as pandaren death knights.


Slow down, unlife is to be savored.


They aren’t all machine. They replaced their limbs and certain things, but their main essential parts are still alive and normal. A living body with a soul, so they can be raised. :slight_smile:

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DK’s in diapers are ridiculous.


No offence to mechagnone fans but I really find them unappealing lol


Mechagnome DKs are . . . unsettling to me, that’s the word - unsettling. But that’s a pretty scary mog OP I’m going to have to check you out in-game.

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Diaboli ex machina

Walking chicken nuggets.

Did I accidentally post my thread on the demon hunter forum?
Because there are so many tears outrage tears…

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5 was a bit optimistic. After 7hrs we still only have the OP. lol

btw. I had Mechgojira all set to go as a DK. I just couldn’t do it…

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The era of flesh is over.

Iunno, you kinda have waged a war to chop down druid forests and killed Cenarius.

You goats sicken me. What are you doing out of your pen nanny?

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Locust is going to love this thread.

I have this 120 boost just waiting to be used. Looks like I’ve found just the right race and class!

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They are zombified cyborg midgets with death magic.

I can’t think of anything more horrifying.