I like us as we are, but I do see plenty of potential and I’d love to see where we could go with more mecha!
aaand now I’m happy I did not look it up.
I think at least the option would have been nice. Its kinda indicated that King Mechagon’s soldiers are mostly robot at this point if not entirely so, might as well have had some that were able to remain free like that.
My issue with mechagnomes is that they should of been fully robotic people sort of like the onnicrons from final fantasy 14. Cyborgs that delved too deep with their technology becoming more machine then man but with a twist that they want to rediscover what is to be a gnome.
Right now it appears to be VERY easy. Seems you can skip almost all of the dungeons leading up to their story now and everything in the recruitment scenario was working the last time I heard anything.
Hopefully the Mekgineers (blizzard) will let us know soon when the remaining AR’s are expected to see their customization pass.
Pants … I want to wear pants , I know you are proud of the leg graphics and they are cool… but walking around in a plate armor or chain mail diapers … is a load? drag? sagging?
think up some OTHER graphic doge or modification than what you have now or let the pant legs go to the knee or ankle like all the other character models.
Not exactly customization, but I would like a dressing room option to see what new collected mogs look like. I’ve had this happen too many times where I’m like “YAY! A new mog!” then I click to see what it is and all I see is METAL LEG