Unsure if this specific to golden king belt or if its all belts, but the buckle shrinks to a tiny size while stationary, and moving in any direction, even turning in place, causes the belt buckle to grow larger than its normal size.
Yep, they need to fix that, the race is almost not played by anyone, and now that weird bug…
Also seeing this issue. It’s happening with a lot of the 3D belts. So, for instance it does happen with the Toiler’s, Cartographer’s, and Expeditionary Belt. It does not happen with the Historian’s Utility Belt. shrug
You can see it very easily in action on the warband login screen. When Peatri is not the selected character, her belt is the right size. When I select her and she goes into “readied rifle” pose the belt is HUGE. Little belt pouches are like I’ve strapped backpacks to my waist and the loincloth danglies drag into the ground.
This is silly! Please fix!
With the very limited options of transmog for mechagnomes, an interesting belt is a must. But if they’re so ridiculously bugged… what’s a fashionable mechagnome to do?
Huh, this is super similar to:
Fingers crossed that the lovely dev who fixed that bug can fix this one too!
I am also experiencing this bug with the heritage armor (it’s the only thing I wear). Belt appears huge when moving, jumping, or while on the mount. Appear huge when she is selected on the warband screen.
Can confirm, looks very strange.
Just want to say that this is still a thing and the mechagnomies are sad about it!
Adding my complaint about huge belts. Standing it’s fine, if I move backward, crouch, jump, or mount anything it becomes massive. Pretty much ruins our already limited transmog options. Please, Blizzard, no respectable mechagnome wants a giant belt. Address this asap, ty.
I just went to make a new mechagnome warrior. I noticed that in the character creation screen, male mechagnomes don’t have the huge belt buckle bug, but females do. Has it always just been the mecha-ladies with this problem or has it been half fixed? Anyway, it’s still ongoing for us gals! Help us, Blizz!
Can confirm, I just went to the barber and switched Cosmo to a male and the males do not have this issue anymore. Very interesting bug lol.
Looks like it’s fixed on the 11.0.7 PTR!
Also I just noticed that we’re all hunters here.
Ah yes, a hunter. I’m also a hunter. See… those are my pets over there. Fleshy… war animals.
They were hurt… I fixed them.
A light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you, Brasstorque, for letting us know about that.
Oh great news!