When (probably): post dragonflight pre-patches (at least)
What: The Caustic mechaslime NPC (Mechagon rare) loot table is bugged (https://www.wowhead.com/npc=154739/caustic-mechaslime)
Since dragonflight prepatches this rare behaves like a comon mob. This rare is killable in the Drill Rig days, it shares its event with other 2 mobs, each with 33% odds of happening, this part still holds ok. The weird thing is: Instead of being killable only once during the 5 minutes of its event, like the other 2 rares, this one keeps respawing every minute while the cave is still open. Not only that but it also has loot every death (some trash drop as normal mobs) instead of only once per day. This is the blueprint that is supposed to drop: https://www.wowhead.com/item=169170/blueprint-utility-mechanoclaw.
I and 2 other friends are trying to kill this since october, nonstop on the drill events day. We’re talking about 100 - 150 tries each, one of them also does on his alt, and so far no drop. We try to contact every PC that passes by and everyone says the same thing. This is the last blueprint to most of us, to finish up the meta achieve MECHA DONE. The other mob that shares its Drill events dropped its blueprint in about 2 to 10 tries in comparison to mechaslime 100+.
The mechaslime is the only one with common mob respawn behavior. Please can you check if the mechanoclaw blueprint is in the mechaslime loot table? Something is very odd about it.
I believe i missposted that on the achievement subforum, probably should’ve posted here 1st