Mech versus Airship bugged

Same here, took a break from wow and got exalted with zandalari empire and this tides of vengeance is the last achievement i need to unlock them. bummer it happened today when i got exalted lol

Add me to the list.

Add my name to the list of impacted.

Im shooting blanks too… not a metaphor.

Can’t fire on ship or leave

Same!.. Come on Blizz!

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Having the same problem.

Same problem here tried everything

You can add me to this list as well, having the same problems everyone else is having with this quest.

Same here!

same problem here

And my axe… I mean horde pally stuck… on this as well. Anyone know if blizzard is able to skip quests or auto complete for characters? I recall being stuck on a divine bell quest in Mists and it was a similar war campaign style quest. I think they completed it for me but I don’t remember exactly.

bugged for me to:(

Hey Blizz, could you maybe fix this so we can actually progress in the game?

Might be some useful info for Blizzard (HORDE SIDE):

  1. Character does not move from the spot where G.M.O.D is boarded (near Gallywix)
  2. Character temporarily “flicks” across the map about halfway through the flight to where the quest highlight area is, then snaps back to original location (near Gallywix)
  3. Character is not in a vehicle from the time you board G.M.O.D, your character is still the “vehicle” however the action bar changes to G.M.O.D’s
  4. Party members see your location as near Gallywix when you are actually flying around the Alliance Airship, however they cannot see you.

same it just keeps flying around the ship

just keeps flying

Same bug, my character card remains the same as opposed to showing i’m in a vehicle, cant fire the cannon as it only seems to fire blanks. Hopefully fixed soon

Same here, mech just keep flying around the ship

Curious what everyones’ honorbound rep is at? This morning I needed to get to 7,500/21,000 k . But after the patch I could pick it up at 5k.