Meatball companion

My mage acquired Meatball as a companion while running through a mission in Torghast, but I can’t find him to summon him. He’s not in my spell book or talent book or action slot. Where is he?

That would probably be a mission companion for your covenant mission table. Not a combat companion.


How does that work? I’m in Kyrian. How does a covenant companion be a companion? Also, Meatball doesn’t seem to be the type to join the Kyrians. :grinning:

Torghast companions follow you from covenant to covenant.

He’s only on the mission table. I found him when I was Venthyr and now I’m Night Fae and I still have him.

He joins your mission table squad, you can send him on missions.

He also has a special perk in that, because he’s not associated with one Covenant, he’ll follow you if you switch Covenants and retain his level. Croman also does this.


I don’t quite know what a “mission table” is concerning companions, but if he doesn’t fight by my side it doesn’t sound very exciting. Just a name collected and nothing else.

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Specifically, Meatball is a neutral ally.

Neutral Allies

Neutral Allies are found in Torghast.

Companion Ability Description
Croman Crusader Strike Croman deals $s1 Holy damage to the nearest enemy.
Meatball Meatball Mad! Meatball increases his damage dealt by $s1 and damage taken by $s2 for 2 rounds. Deals $s3 Physical damage to the nearest enemy. This ability does not immediately activate. Meatball MAD!

More Information about Companions

If you are looking for a more indepth analysis of the various Companions and Troops, please see the following guide:

Covenant Companions Compared and Explained


Thanks for the info! :grin:

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Meatball pet that’ll be fun to have.

Actually all three would be fun to have as battle pets.


saw the thread title and first thought was there is a meatwad pet?

then I saw you post and said I wasn’t the only one it seems lol.


Meatball and Croman follow you regardless of your covenant. There are other covenant-specific allies you can find in Torghast that don’t migrate.

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Which wing is he in? I would like to find him.

I found him randomly back in 9.0, same as Croman. I’ve had them forever on two of my characters.

I’m not sure there is a specific “place” you can look every time.

Ah. I need to visit more. Got Croman and a butt load of covenant specific dude but no meatball. :frowning:

When I first read the title I was excited about the possibility of Pocopoc having a skin that turned him into a rolling meatball.


I think he and Croman will only show up at level 5 or higher. You can enter, look around, see if you can spot him or any of the other covenant specific followers you don’t have yet and if they’re not there just leave the instance and enter again until you find them.

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And he should leave a little trail of marinara sauce in his wake while in the meatball costume!

/moo :cow:


The good thing about meatball and Croman is they retain their levels between covenants. All others will have to be leveled independently. Croman is a pretty weak follower, but I’ve gotten decent use out of Meatball. (When I’m not Necrolord anyway)

we need this more than we need ducks

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It’s random