< Battle Born >
We are a Semi-Hardcore Raid Guild made up of a bunch of skilled players that have played together expansion after expansion. We do not expect anything unreasonable from our members but at the same time expect more than bare minimum when it comes to performance, attendance, & consumables.
The core raid team consists of extremly skilled selfless players that always want to put others & the guild before themselves. We only seek those like minded; those that will always be committed to Battle Born
Raid Time/Days -
Currently full clearing MC & BWL in one raid night (2.5hours) 10/10 ZG as well
- Wednesday 9pm-12
- Sunday 7pm-10
Alt Raid Night-
- Friday 8pm-11 server
Recruitment Needs-
- Currently Need - Fury/Rogue/Lock
- Currently Want - Hpally/Hpriest
All players encouraged to inquire
Loot Rules-
- EPGP in BWL, all raids award effort points
- Normal loot system MS over OS /roll in MC & ZG
Contact Info-
Ryborg , Rax & Maevy via Whisper / Mail
Discord - Ryborg#2538