Maybe 8.1.5 on March 5th?

Some of our posts are in reference to when raid opens and 8.2. Not just 8.1.5 solely

Why Zandalair Druid? This seems to be the one everyone wants more than anything.

The druid form models, its the reason I’m race changing my druid, that and I don’t like taurens much.

No, it is. The new Trial of Style Ensembles are in 8.1.5. The Trial of Style is on March 20th (Wednesday)

Same thing.

But Taurens and Druid’s are so iconic. Or is that Shamans? I haven’t seen the original cinematic in a long time.

Ehh I just don’t like taurens and how they look with mogs and I wanna say thats shamans? I always imagine tauren with totem on their back so idk.

You got that right, Taurens are damn ugly.

I still don’t believe they’re going to line up the patch for the Trial of Style. As someone pointed out in another thread, there are multiple ToS events throughout the year. 8.1.5 might have ToS ensembles, doesn’t mean they need to be seen in the very next event.

8.1.5 also contains updated holiday event art / rewards (supposedly) doesn’t mean they’re going to line it up with the next holiday event. 8.1.5 may include ensembles for ToS, but they could easily be patched in whenever the update arrives, and be ready and available for the following ToS.

I don’t want to wait longer for the ARs, I’d like to make my Zanda now, but I don’t see things being wrapped up in the next week or two at the rate they seem to be testing and pushing out major builds of the PTR.

It will be after GoT season 8 is over. They know that everyone is going to be busy with that. It is like a 6 week pass for them.

Already have my name saved for my beefyboi rogue. :slight_smile:

And my wicker drood.

And my beer bellied hunter.

so april 21st? cause that’s when my dreadwake 6month sub thing ends lol

God I want it tomorrow. It won’t be tomorrow, which is why I’ve unsubbed again but I do wish it was.

End of March probably. 8.2 will be mid June to compete with Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr and Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers

Just want to say… #nailedit

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