Maxxed Tailor LFW + I have Spore Cloak :D

Hello there! I am maxed in the garment crafting specialization which means I can craft all the tailoring recipes at rank 5!! I am happy to craft items for you! My request is simple, supply the mats, and a tip of whatever you feel is fair! Just send along a personal order and I will make them as quick as I can (currently on most of the day and evening so turn arounds should be fairly quick!)

Bonus section!!
I can also craft the following items that are often sought out, again at max level even with your crests!

-Undulating Spore Cloak
-Amice of the Blue
-Full Obsidian Combatants Set
-Full Crimson Combatants Set
-Infurious Binding of Gesticulation
-Infurious Legwraps of Possibility

Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a spectacular day!

PS For some laughs read the reviews below HAHA!


This fine tailor made me an extremely high quality Undulating Spore Cloak just yesterday. I’m telling you, this thing has the works: a smooth black color, striking gold accents, and the spores! God, the spores. They’re everywhere - on the furniture, on all my priceless books, covering the food. Frankly, my wife thought it was too much, the spores, but the more time we spend around them, the more she’s coming around.

5-star tailor. He’s my go-to for all fungus-themed clothing.

Can confirm; This tailor produces all max ranked gear of the finest thread :thread:.

The spore cloak is worth every bit of gold, sweat, and tears it took to make. Remember that time you died to aoe from the boss because your fingers weren’t quick enough to pop defensive? Well this cloak would have saved your hooves (or tail).

Happy hunting!

As a very squishy priest I kept dying to random raid damage because movement is freaking hard when you need to pump up the epic DoTs. Mr. Mesh suggested a spore cloak to help keep death at bay while dealing death in return. Let me tell you this cloak is fine and velvety, yet a little bit moldy. Its part of the charm. Thank you Mr. Mesh. Now I die after the monk tank so he cant solo dungeon bosses anymore.

To the uninitiated, a cloak made from mushroom fibers may seem like a fashion disaster. “Sporecloak” you say, and they’ll probably roll their eyes and ask if it comes with a side salad. But my fellow adventurers, if you’re planning to dive into the darkest corners of Azeroth, you best be swaddled in this stylish, life-saving fungi fashion. The Sporecloak is not just an accessory, it’s a veritable lifesaver. Quite literally, in fact.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve lost count of the times I’ve found myself in dank dungeons, fending off vicious beasties that seem to think my plate armor is a gourmet dinner bell. And every time it seemed like I was about to be served up as the main course, my Sporecloak had my back. Or rather, it WAS my back, and front…you get the idea.

There was this one time in a dungeon crawl, when I was one tick away from a rez, faced with a ravenous squad of Gnoll Marauders. My health was low, I was out of potions, and my healer was distracted by a particularly attractive NPC in the corner. Yes, Blizz, we see what you did there. But just when I thought I was about to become Gnoll Chow, my Sporecloak sprang into action.

It released a puff of healing spores that engulfed me in a cloud so dense I could barely see the horrified faces of the Gnolls as their supper suddenly was back to full HP. They probably felt the same way you do when your pizza falls topping-side down on the carpet. Heartbroken, defeated, and mildly disgusted.

Then there was the time the whole party wiped out, leaving me, the sole survivor, staring down a fearsome boss. Now, I don’t want to brag, but…who am I kidding, of course, I do. The boss charged, my heart raced, and my Sporecloak…laid down a slick sheet of fungi on the ground. Picture the boss skidding through that like a flaming pig on an ice rink. Comical? Absolutely. Effective? You bet your loot-loving tush it was.

The Sporecloak isn’t just a lifesaver, it’s a side-splitter. It’ll have you laughing your pauldrons off as your enemies fumble and fail in the most hilarious ways. But don’t let the comedy fool you - this cloak is seriously powerful, packing more survival tricks than a gnome rogue with a bag full of invisibility potions.

So whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a green quester just stepping into your first dungeon, don’t leave home without your Sporecloak. Because it’s not just about surviving - it’s about doing it with style. And really, is there anything more stylish than saving the day draped in a cloak of bioluminescent mushrooms? I think not.

In conclusion, the Sporecloak gets five stars, two thumbs up, and a round of Azeroth’s finest ale. It’s a must-have for any adventurer worth their salt (or their herbs). Just be prepared for some strange looks when you walk into the tavern. But hey, who needs to be understood when you can be invincible and fashionable at the same time?

Sporecloak - because if you’re going to kick butt, you might as well do it in shroom style.