Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – August 28

omg 5k queue 100 min waiting …

Been at 2-3 hr wait with a 13k queue or 5k queue, don’t think it matters much.

How does it make sense that I can’t handle classic? Because I want to play it? Call me whatever words you want you wuss. I’m not “offended”, I’m pissed at how stupid you are, over simplifying everyone’s purchase to get into classic. We want to play it, for obvious reasons, if you can’t understand that, then be gone.


Uhhh, free transfers when?


I wonder what the queue would be if no one was afk botting


There are actually people who believe the queues were this bad in vanilla


I’m just explaining the fine print to you, couldn’t care less if you play, how you play or what you play. But unless you spent 60$ on a copy of classic you got it for free by subbing to retail “active wow”. I’m sure you even had to purchase a specific copy or even bfa copy of the game to do so.

I wish…

I have my original copy of classic I bought back in the day right here on my desk. Can my subscription be for classic specifically then?

Stop talking to me. You aren’t going to make sense of this, and NOBODY agrees with you. You sound ridiculous.:thinking:

Nah they weren’t this bad, blizzard actually cared for it’s community, actiblizz clearly doesn’t with how bad bfa is in it’s current state. Over catered to the casual player base that does nothing but whine about not getting gear out of their world quests/lfr/warfronts and aren’t capable of doing more difficult content so they whine more, oh look deplete a 10 key get a 440 item at the end of the week.

Can you fix the fkin timer?

Saeba, where you are misunderstanding the point is - there are a ton of consumers that are giving this company $$$ for the Classic service and could care less about the retail option. By definition - sure its INCLUDED in the base subscription for BFA, but the fact of the matter is - this isn’t a free service to anyone that is ONLY interested in Classic Wow.

This isn’t free, because if it were, I would have never had to re-subscribe.


It’s fine I’ll leave it at that, I don’t really care what you call it, still believe you got it for free. Also don’t believe you’ll be on there for very long either.

Not free if you have to pay a subscription to play it.


What are you talking about…

It is entirely fine to punish people breaking the RULES… Account sharing, circumventing normal game play systems to prevent idle disconnects… are ALL violations of the terms of use… And blizzard owes you jack all

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still 10k queue on staalag

Thank you!

Exactly! lol

They have worded it to say it’s free for all people with an ACTIVE subscription to RETAIL… Meaning, it is a free-addon… You are subscribing to retail, not WoW Classic.

If you chose to only play classic, that is your prerogative… However, that doesn’t change the fact your not paying for classic