Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – August 28

It seems so, just trying to log into Fairbanks and the que seems to be half or so what it was at relatively the same time yesterday… maybe even less

Wow thanks so much Blizzard! Absolutely helped us on Groubbulus server!! I had only a 500person queue :open_mouth: Well done :slight_smile: CLASSIC #1

Here is what I can report on Faerlina.
2 hours ago I was 15k 5 hour wait.
I gave up but that I saw this and relogged 15 minutes ago.
Now we are looking at 6600 people and a 130 minute wait.
Still bad but at least it improved by over half.

To be fair most people knew this was the streamer server…Lol

Nothing has changed on Skeram.

Hey Beck, I logged in after this change as well. 4600 in line, 76 min. I’m now 1800 in line, 65 min. At best they’re just teasing the numbers so nobody’s screen shotting 5 hour wait times.

I need you to increase the capacity of Herod by 10926. Please and thank you.

Yeah I knew. I am in a guild with Madseason and other streamers by choice.

Please increase it by another 5k blizz! i still cant get in my realm :frowning:

Queue time went from 13k to 5k, still roughly the same estimated wait time 2-3 hrs

I see 201 minute wait on Herod as I type this.

Is that better? I don’t play there, so I don’t know the usual queue times.

EDIT - just went up to 270 minutes.

Herod honestly has a bigger wait. Streamer server or not it is no excuse.

No, it’s not better, I’m seeing the same numbers given the time of day it is now compared to yesterday. I’m in an 11k queue at 5pm EST. Same as yesterday, give or take a thousand or two. This hotfix either did nothing, or hasn’t happened yet.

If you logged in at this time yesterday, herod would have shown you an 10 hour or more queue


Oh hell no…

Why you people want to even try to play on that server?

Who plays on that server and is able to get consistent play time?

I wonder if people who played there on Monday got like 10 levels or so and then they logged out and haven’t been able to get back in since then to play again.

It has never said a 10 hr queue. I’m talking about the “number” in the queue that I represent. Those “times” have never been correct, and at most even at like 7pm EST, with a 17k queue, it still only says 400 minutes, which is obviously wrong. Don’t try to think you’re going to trap me. Blizz needs to make these servers huge. Don’t defend them rn…

Sometimes friends and and a community pick a server prior to launch - it isn’t hard to grasp. It’s too hard to change those plans even with warning as many do not want to change. A decent amount did get in on launch got good progress in the teens as far as level.
Then haven’t been able to play again.

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Well, we had 3 options to plan for.
Thalnos became the South American server since blizzard was to stupid to set up one for them
Faerlina was the streamer server
Herod was the non-streamer/non-SA east pvp server

They added Stalagg (full before 5pm) and some people moved
They added Skarem (full before 5pm) and some people moved

They added Incendius (full before 5pm) and some people moved

Post Launch
They added Kromcrush (high with queue by 5pm full by 7) and some people moved

You see where this is going…

The options all suck, increased cap and transfers are the only way to smooth this out. But blizzard seems to be so stuck on not having a problem in 12 months they aren’t really fixing the now problem

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This 100%, I got to level monday night for a good while with friends. I got booted for some reason and they got back in to level all the way to like 15, we’d like to play together, but we’ve already started and agreed to a server. They need to make all these servers bigger. MAKE THEM LAG. I just want in.

Technically they said “substantial” which I believe is meant to be a huge number :stuck_out_tongue: