Maximum - "hunters are so by far in the worst situation"

Because most hunter don’t get alpha invite we can’t post in the forms so we can post comments so Devs think hunter is good since no one is complaining

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Blizzard is aware that rogues and hunters are disappointed in their hero talents, including visuals, and they also know the hunter talent trees suck.

In my opinion, they haven’t done anything because either they don’t know what to do, or the rework required is so extensive that they simply de-prioritized it to prepare for the expansion release. The latter seems more likely to me, though the hero trees, particularly Pack Leader, make me think they don’t have many examples of hunter themes in mind.


This is, essentially, this:


Hey i remember reading somebody saying this back in dragonflight beta lol


Well then they need to hire someone who does.
Hunter is the most played class in the game, it deserves more respect


Yep. Been there myself.
Dont worry guys, our turn is next!!

Priest reworks
Paladin reworks
More priest reworks
Demo reworks
Rogue reworks
More Demo reworks
Even more Demo reworks
More Ret reworks

No different for TWW, only instead of Priest and Paladin it’s DK and Mage. Somehow Warlock continues to get updates every build without fail. Although that’s partially because it’s 2 steps forward 1 step backwards with their reworks.


Ok so he put it in B tier purely because “the theme is nice”.
Then he discussed with chat how the theme was bad because it was Race not Class thematically but ended up just leaving it in B and saying B is mid and moved on.
Honestly felt like he just got bored talking about Hunter and wanted to move on to Mage lol.

The only real positive is he said the absorb could potentially be ok as a defensive. But he praised Dark Rangers defensive ‘Smoke Screen’ more and that still ended up in D.

Each to their own of course but I don’t think Hunter has any appealing Hero Power and for people to potentially glance at his tier and be like “Well Sentinels decent?” is wrong.

this is observably false what are you talking about lol

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false well then show me more feedback in the alpha form. Is funny how you said is false yet mage just got more changes this week so yes they get weekly changes we got a few tool tips updates.

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there is an entire thread of people on the alpha forums providing feedback for hunters? you said hunters cant post comments and nobody is complaining.

THE most liked comment on the alpha forums is a hunter complaining: Feedback: Hunter Updates - #3 by Riokaii-burning-blade

what do you get from lying?

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12 replies. That barely counts as a start of a thread


DH has 4, Evoker has 10, Rogue has 9, Warrior has 8. Redhotbunny claimed there was nobody giving hunter feedback in the alpha forum and that nobody was complaining about hunter.

There’s not much else to give feedback on aside from the Detailed feedback that’s already in the thread.

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Lol did the dev reply? Did they dev reply to the images? Pally? DK? Warrior?Lock? You can spin it all you like but fact is ither class is getting f a ton of rework and changes in alpha while hunter for a some animation changes which is worse and just done tooltip changes and silent from the dev shows they don’t care about hunters


I’m not spinning anything man you said hunters aren’t complaining and that we can’t post in the forums lol

Can you post in the alpha forum? I know I can’t and I know a few also can’t. Make a post there and show me.

yes? I 've posted three times.

1: Feedback: Hunter Updates - #7 by Ghonhir-living-flame

2: Feedback: Hunter Updates - #8 by Ghonhir-living-flame

3: Feedback: Hunter Updates - #11 by Ghonhir-living-flame

You can only post if you have Alpha.


Yup they are aware that hunter are disappointed in hero talents, visual and also the hunter talent trees they just don’t care and they will never change.


I think it’s very important to actually acknowledge that there is no lack of Hunter feedback or complaints, on any media.
Alpha, General Discussion, Class forums, YouTube, Twitter, Redding, WoWHead, what have you.

There is just as much Hunter feedback as there is, for example, Demo Warlock.
It’s Blizzards decision to respond to Demo Warlock feedback every build while ignoring Hunter. It is not due to lack of feedback. They are without doubt aware of how poorly the Hero Powers have been received.

I just don’t think they care to improve them.


Where have they said this? Sounds like you’re pulling it out of thin air.

This forum has plenty of ideas and mockups for talents. I’m pretty sure most hunter mains that do competitive content can list several issues off the top of their head. Here’s a whole list of hunter class ideas and survival talent suggestions: I’m not out here coming out with original ideas but I’m not being paid to do that or I happily would spend hours on it.

I’m assuming they’ve yet to say anything as they’re not sure if they can squeeze it in before TWW prepatch/release as all 3 specs have a lot of tree issues. At which point I and others are rerolling cause it’s getting ridiculous how neglected and unviable in end-game content the entire class is while mage gets another week of changes. I’m shocked to see some mages complain that they genuinely need changes still while hunters continue to play with DF beta talents.
For Pack Leader, hunters have made it very clear they want to summon big pets (Demo kinda stole this idea already), have an extra pet, or another CoTW-like button/passive. IMO, that extra pet is probably gonna hit like a wet noodle or Beast Cleave is brokenly strong and the extra pet, unless its extra pet basic attack allows Surv benefits to stack, isn’t great for Surv.

Yeah, it’s insane seeing every other Wowhead post commenter typing “no hunter changes?” for every patch note. You’d think that’s a glaring flag to work on hunters sooner rather than later.


Yea and look at mage arcane getting rework hero talents getting update almost weekly same with lock but no time for hunter not even one rework.

Devs have time they just don’t want to spend it on hunter.