Max lvl PvP

I do not agree with manipulating ilvls for PvP. For what purpose would anyone work so hard to gain max ilvl to be a complete world dominator if all their efforts are for naught as some half hearted half leveled half committed player can be made as an equal or near equal.

Put in the work my friends. Do not ask Blizzard to make the PvP world fair. PvP is NEVER fair. Might wins- and THAT is what drives it all.

I’d rather have longer queue times with a decent chance of a level playing field than a repeated loss-fest when trying to enjoy some pvp.

Spoken like a true lover of PVE, where PVE gear has every advantage in PVP. That hasn’t really worked out for PVP players the last 4 years.

I remember when I got gear for having fun doing PVP. ‘Slog’ barely begins to describe the PVP gearing experience in BfA.

PVP gear should be free from PVE to be best for PVP and the people who actually want to PVP.


A good point to be made when the PvP system is too imbalanced, all is for naught. this is true.