Max camera distance command

Can any beta testers verify if the old console command to maximize camera distance works?

That’s definitely a good question. Any answers?

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/script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax",30)


Max camera distance works the same as on retail. You could set it further away since a couple of of xpac in the game settings.

Yes, the max camera distance macro works in the beta(/console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6) was the script I used. The Interface is similar to retail and has gotten away from the overly simplified controls of vanilla. This includes party/raid marking.


Just reposting this bc when I logged in to like it, the poster’s text was gone. This worked for me. Thanks to whomever posted it.

Apologies if i’m the only one having that issue and if this is a duplicate.

console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6


Marking to check for later.

awesome, console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6 with forwardslash before console works

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If you’re having “camera too close” issues, check your “Camera FOV” slider under the “Graphics” settings. If it’s too low, you’ll effectively be zoomed in