This is for the Maw Mad Construct that is Part of the Nilganihmaht’s stone ring.
Two weeks ago I got all 3 other pieces without even realizing what was happening during main quest - was just picking stuff up. I had him yell three times at least, but I didn’t know what or who to look for.
Today, I’ve been waiting for whole assaults over two hour period or so. I’ve run around using a /tar macro to wowhead’s spawn points, I’ve gotten all the other rings and pieces out of the bank and brought them back in my bags. I’ve turned in some parts of the necro quests, wait 15-20 mins at each stage. I’ve tried joining other people doing their quests and phased into their world. Exiting, out of combat, up on top, out to the edges of the area, and more.
Nothing. No spawn, no yells. Is this bugged? is this tied to the centurion? Wowhead says you must “pick up” part of the rings. I kinda want to destroy the ring piece you find on the ground and try to get it but sadly I turned in assault because people said he still spawned while the assault was ongoing (but that hasn’t happened either).
I have been looking too for the ground ring and the mad npc ring. I am starting to think they don’t spawn this week because the required quest [!Putting A Plan Together] did not spawn this week with the faction event. You need that quest to get one of the rings up on the walls.
That would make sense. Anyone from the PTR have any recollection of something along these lines?
I have completed all the quartered rings but this last one to craft the last ring and finish the questing for the Hand Mount… Sad days when Blizzard … makes playing the game not worth it again… … so sad… no Construct after an hour sitting here… have to wait like a week or more for this damn thing to drop… sigh…
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Not sure if you knew already or not, but his spawn points are kind of meaningless, he doesn’t stand in one place when he spawns he sprints like Usain Bolt and then disappears after a short time.
I haven’t yet done the assault this week, so I don’t know about him not spawning, but I kind of had a feeling that people looting the chests on the ramparts were causing him to spawn. Is the robot even available this week to get up on the ramparts? If he isn’t I wonder if that’s why he doesn’t spawn.
No, its not, they have a different quest.
Good call on people looting the ring from chest causing him to spawn. Its possible that may be a trigger (how do we check this? or can we even check this?) That would suck though later in the expansion if there are less and less people and you, through lack of understanding, didnt jump down and kill him immediately.
Sounds now like its tied to getting in the centurion. I’m thinking back and it definitely was yelling when I was up on the walls either using grappling or jumps with centurion and getting chests/pylons. Anecdotally for me it sounds like we wait and see when(if?) they recycle that quest and if thats when it happens.
This is the first time trying to get all 4 parts of the stone ring for the hand of Nilganimaht and I only got one of the ancient quartered rings from a mass worn chest, it doesn’t make sense why the other 2 besides the one you get from “putting a plan together” doesn’t spawn. The maw mad construct has nothing to do with that quest putting a plan together. The ring you find on the ground that can spawn in different places has nothing to do with this quest either so why would that quest. Change things if one ancient quartered ring already spawns in one of the mawsworn chests on top of the wall. Blizzard is doing a very poor job and seems to not care about their players. I’ve had issues and bugs in this game ever since SL release, paying for a game I can’t even play, I hope blizzard realizes they cant put out an unfinished game and not expect complaints. Rating blizzard a 1/10
Did you guys try the grapple hook on the end of the rampart near the double bridge? I know you can only access part of the rampart that way…This npc hasnt yelled out in chat for me either this week
I couldn’t find him last week and I waited what felt like forever and he spawned a few times and i couldnt find him
I also havent found the ring on the ground near Zeris. The only shiny thing is the dead steward’s hammer. Sad days…
every week I sat there for 3 days and run around to find the Mad maw and ring that they say suppose to spawn on the site, but I have never seen anything spawn yet, I think Blizzard screw up on quest chain and respawn mob and ring etc…
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100% the ability to get all 5 rings is predicated on there being a specific quest available for the assault breaching the walls or something like that and if that quest not up then u can not get mad maw construct to spawn and get final ring. The issues is I have never yet seen that quest pop up. Wondering if there is a rotation or blizz just being toxic and holding out on us?