Mauradon/Dire Maul classic dungeons bugged

I just want to add further observations:
Grim Batol - the first encounter, where you are provided with dragon mounts to bomb the orcs. Once you have mounted, the dragons do not lift off, and you can’t dismount. You have to teleport out of the dungeon to get off the mount.
Blackfathom Deeps - third to last boss (some twilight cow thing) resets if you drag it more than a few metres from where it stands. This is the mob outside the temple of Akumai on the ramparts.
Scholomance - as stated above, but included for completeness.
Rattlegore bone spike one shotting fairly well geared Prot Warrior.
Lillian Voss during phase 2 and 3 the purple void orbs are continually adding damage, not just when they land. Also one-shotting if you don’t immediately break away from her “pull everyone to me” move.
Dire Maul (Warpwood) - all mobs glitching. Mobs will aggro if you pass close to them, but they won’t move. I suppose it’s like someone yelling at you if you are wearing an offensive t-shirt.
The second last boss will not open the final door which allows access to the final boss, making the dungeon unable to be completed.

I am sure other people will have had similar experiences. It’s kind of funny the first time you see it but it really does slow levelling to a crawl.

TLDR: fix glitching mobs. Adjust mob ability tuning.