Mauradon/Dire Maul classic dungeons bugged

I have been levelling a few characters and since the 9.0.5 patch - all mauradon and dire maul dungeons are totally bugged. Mobs will evade or be bugged still and in some cases, they will fall through the floor. This makes some of the dungeons actually impossible to progress through when you need to kill mobs or bosses. Many dungeon groups just end up leaving instead of dealing with it.


I have to agree with this. On a level 37 Warrior trying to complete Stratholme, we were completely spifflicated by Rattlegore and then Lillian Voss. I can’t recall it being this difficult before, and the group had adequate gear. I’m hoping that this get looked at pretty soon.

This has also happened to me, specifically in mauradon dungeons, which I already hate. This bug makes it much worse and there’s no way to get through the dungeon. I waited 15 minutes to get into a group only to leave the instance soon after due to this bug and because my entire group left as soon as it started happening. Pretty game-breaking right there, a huge bug that needs to be looked at soon.

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Adding to this thread for attention, please. Earth Song Falls - Maraudon - dreadful. No noticeable problems until after the first boss went down - everything after that up to Princess was buggy as all get out. Not the first time I’ve experienced this in the last week or so. Mobs will evade and reset repeatedly - if you’re lucky your group can still manage to get them down, but sometimes there is no hope. Princess included - leaving the group unable to complete the dungeon. This definitely needs attention, please - trying to do dungeons while leveling is just a waste of time with whatever bug is going on in these dungeons. :frowning:

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I just want to add further observations:
Grim Batol - the first encounter, where you are provided with dragon mounts to bomb the orcs. Once you have mounted, the dragons do not lift off, and you can’t dismount. You have to teleport out of the dungeon to get off the mount.
Blackfathom Deeps - third to last boss (some twilight cow thing) resets if you drag it more than a few metres from where it stands. This is the mob outside the temple of Akumai on the ramparts.
Scholomance - as stated above, but included for completeness.
Rattlegore bone spike one shotting fairly well geared Prot Warrior.
Lillian Voss during phase 2 and 3 the purple void orbs are continually adding damage, not just when they land. Also one-shotting if you don’t immediately break away from her “pull everyone to me” move.
Dire Maul (Warpwood) - all mobs glitching. Mobs will aggro if you pass close to them, but they won’t move. I suppose it’s like someone yelling at you if you are wearing an offensive t-shirt.
The second last boss will not open the final door which allows access to the final boss, making the dungeon unable to be completed.

I am sure other people will have had similar experiences. It’s kind of funny the first time you see it but it really does slow levelling to a crawl.

TLDR: fix glitching mobs. Adjust mob ability tuning.

That’s not a bug, that’s working as intended. The boss uses mechanics that utilize the small space the fight takes place in. Same thing happens if you try to fight the Ogre boss and leave too far. It’s by design and not a bug at all.

No. It’s bugged. It disappears, then reappears with full health and starts the fight over. We ended up having to practically tank on top of it and just spin it on the spot by running through it.
I’ve done the instance plenty of times and I wouldn’t report it as bugged if it wasn’t dodgy.