Mature Language Filter

so i have it turned off and in the chat log for guild it shows uncensored but on my actual screen it is showing up censored. I recently did a fresh install of the game and wondering what is broken or is there a work around to make it so i dont have to go into the log to see what we are talking trash about this time.

Patch 10.2.6 broke a lot of UI and chat settings; I think the mature language setting may be among them, if I recall the bug reports correctly.

There are possibly cvar change console commands that might fix this but I can’t remember them or the specific thread they came up in.

This randomly started happening to all my characters today. Buddy of mine helped me find the fix.

Open up your file in Notepad++ found in your World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF folder and add back the line SET profanityFilter “0”

I can cuss again :slight_smile:


have u done the quest to enable it?

Thank god you posted this. I was losing my mind for a few days. I was only censored on one of my computers and the other one worked fine. I was literally about to reinstall the game when I saw your fix. Ty Sir.

This did not work in my scenario, unfortunately. If “read only” is left unchecked, the line gets auto-erased upon /reload, but even with the file as “read only”, it did not apply in-game, despite the line in the file still existing.

worked like a charm thanks a ton.