Matching Two Handers for the new Warden Set

Ok, got the new Warden set from the achievement, put it on my most likely character to wear it, being my Nelf Fury Warrior. But I Hit a wall with the weapons.

Anyone out there found a good 2hander match for it yet?

Best I could do from what I have unlocked are these swords from the new Emerald Dream stuff. Not the biggest fan of them though, they look like play swords made of foam… Wish Blizz had made the racial warglaves 1 and 2 handers…

I hope the answer is not a mace because I might go Surv on this toon.

Maybe the Balance of Power fury artifact appearance?

It’s weird because this game has soooooo many moggable gear pieces, but I always somehow find it so hard to put a nice, matching outfit together. Especially when it comes to finding the right weapon.

Other games with significantly less gear options, I have way less trouble with. I have no idea why. It’s just something about WoW. :woman_shrugging:

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Sinister Gladiator’s Greatsword

Admiral Taylor’s Greatsword

Sea-Scourged Greatblade

Greatsword of the Silver Hand

Just a couple ideas I might try, not sure if you’ll like any of them more or less than what you have

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Its because they’re too cute by half with colors in their design. You’ll never find two shades of gold, or green or black that match perfectly if they’re not part of a set.

Wardens Armor will never look right without a glave equipped

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Hmmm… they should sell basic filler pieces that are designed to be dyed (or magic “chromatic hued” ones you can put in a goblin machine to change), so if you really can’t find the right boots or sword or whatever for your set, you just use the special dyed piece for that slot.

For me it comes down to what others talked about in a recent thread about shades of gold.

I feel like every color has so many different tints used of it, with no consistency. It makes matching pieces difficult. Because the same colors will just be off enough not to go with each other

That’s typically my issue at least. I find a chest or shoulder I like. Can’t find the rest of the outfit with the right tint, outside of the full designed set it goes with.


I remember back in BC when people would complain about our mismatch armor making us look like clowns. Already back then people were asking for something like transmog. It’s a bit funny that the gear in this game is such that transmog still doesn’t always help. :upside_down_face:

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If you ever want to be a Warden Warlock, this staff looks great:

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The NE heritage quest has a Warden wielding a sword. Don’t know which exactly but it’s a plain vanilla look. So doesn’t have to be fancy.

She never actually wields it. It never leaves her back because it’s a token of her lost paladin friend, not a weapon to her.

They are not accurate, either by design or color.

Oh okay cool, then don’t try them, you can go back to whining about FOMO

Just stating a fact you cannot dispute. Either for the day/night design, which are not available to the players. There are no warden weapons available at the moment, perhaps in one year then.

Yeah you don’t say?

People have it already? Why am i still at 10/12 months (haven’t finished this one)? I never missed a month.

Contact the support regarding this. If they can tell that you got all the completion-rewards from each month, then they will reward it to you.

there were supposed to be three armor sets, right? the green, the white, and the color-change? cuz i’m only seeing the one set in my mog library…

As artist, I have a ‘root file’ for colours so that I always use the same shade of gold or such between things.

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