Match Made in Zereth Mortis Bugged

Cannot access the second teleporter location. Was able to get to all the others with a guildie flying me up on a 2 seater mount, but no way to get to second room. This sucks so bad, because flying is locked behind this questline. Please fix.

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Same issue :confused: I think it’s because I was grouped with someone when I tried to do the quest and it bugged out somehow, now I can’t progress at all. They said they’re looking into it and to keep an eye on this:

Still broken more than 24 hours later. Cannot progress, cant get flying, cant finish story… cant do any world quests that require Pocopoc to open a chest.

GG on getting 2nd lego this week.

People on Wowhead said they were able to go venthyr and then door of shadows through the wall to get the teleporter flight path thing but I wasn’t able to myself

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WOW, it works for me now!!! I went to Venthyr and use the door of shadows through the wall

Match Made in Zereth Mortis - Quest - World of Warcraft (

There is a photo you can look at to show the position where you use the door of shadows to enter the second room

Can you upload a photo here or a video? I wasn’t able to do it using the photo someone posted.

This works


here is how I was able to get through


I was able to bypass this by finding a friendly warlock and two others that were caught up - they were able to summon me into the interior locus for the Primus Locus Arrangement.

holyyyy sht thank you

Another way I just did:
-have one person in party who was done with this quest (he must have mass res)
-go on a place right above the door that Kathiehw was talking about
-do a duel, when you have low hp jump down and die
-person gonna port inside the room with second rune and cast mass res
-you gonna res inside the room with second rune
You are welcome.

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i got as far as being told to locate the tertus locus arrived and died with help from guildies was able to get back up…but could not locate tertus…they flew me over and i was able to do the next to but quest would not progress because i had not located terus… abandoned quest and pocopoc immediately had a quest and it picked right up in the right place and i finished everything up

thanks this helped alot

Blizzard PLEASE delete this quest, all of it, just scratch it out
boring and just plain annoying, PLEASE no more of this

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This is a garbage quest. Too hard, unintuitive without flying, does not inspire casual players to continue. Had over a dozen deaths on this and I’m ready to cancel. If I wanted to waist my time and/or have super hard difficulty, I’d play Elden Ring. Get rid of this.

Yup, cancelled. Won’t come back until things change with this game. Just absolute garbage.