Is there a percent of mastery I can have before it doesn’t matter like haste use to or still is 30%?
Use the addon TrueStatValue to track when you hit diminishing returns.
Mastery is tricky to tell when you hit DR because every spec in the game gets a different %of mastery for a given amount of the stat.
thank you!
All stats have diminishing returns but some specs scale much better than others. Mastery coming from procs don’t suffer from the diminishing returns, however.
For example, devastation evoker can get over 100% mastery even with the recent mastery scaling nerfs.
Yeah that addon shows a limit for my vers and haste but mastery has nothing lol
Oh are you the new evoker spec. I think the addon hasn’t been updated recently
Problem is that the amount of % mastery you get for each spec is different.
For example i stack mastery heavily on my druid 4855 in my raid set. But i’m only at 17.5%.
If I had that amount of mastery on a resto sham i would be at ~105% mastery.
Looks like the cap is 5400 stat value before you hit DR
I’m fairly certain it’s based on the % in brackets.
Just like haste, crit and vers.
The larger number is just the result of the % in the brackets.
The way mastery works is that every 180 mastery gives you 1 “mastery point”. Players can get 38 mastery points before they hit diminishing returns (you get 8 for free even with 0 mastery + 30 additional points). The amount of percent mastery you get for a mastery point depends on your spec.
WoWhead has an article that shows all of the conversion factors for all specs except Evoker. I don’t know their mastery point conversion factor so I cant say what the % is for evoker, but the actual stat amount is 5400 for all characters.
No im preservation all other stats have a cap but mastery
Weird, I was able to find the mastery conversion for 2 of the specs on the wow wiki.
The max mastery% for dev is 95% and 66.5% for pres. after those percentages you hit diminishing returns
Thank you for all the help
Depends on class. Devoker is something ridiculous like 120% i think.
Not sure about Aug, i have over 5k stat and only 16% mastery
It would be so much easier if stats on gear was just a plain +xx%