Master Thread of Glyph Ideas

where’s my bastion watcher glyph for my gargoyle, or the venthyr equivalent?

It was more of joke than anything. I didn’t expect it to cause this much concern.

Omg yes please.

My warlock is fully green fire themed, this would be fantastic.


ALWAYS more ghost wolf forms, but I need actual suggestions. Things special enough to shaman to be worthy of a glyph.

And YES. Goblins get a discount, right?

I laughed seeing so many DHs in Bastion.

Got a wowhead npc for me to link?

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For that picture I used Naxx.

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glyph of magical weapons.

yer magic spells come from the weapons and the animation is based on which slot they are in

Glyph of Pa’ku - lets other druids use the Zandalari Moonkin form. (Horde Only)

Glyph of Thros - lets other druids use the Wickerman form. (Alliance Only)


Rogue: Glyph of Nightcrawler

Your Shadowstep creates a cloud of Brimstone at its starting and ending point accompanied by the Word BAMF!

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I’ll mainly focus on Priest glyphs.

Glyph of Denomination:
When casting Power Word: Fortitude, a sigil of your race’s faith shines in its place.

Human, Worgen, Dwarf, Undead: Church of the Holy Light

Gnome, Mechagnome, Goblin, Dark Iron Dwarf: Pursuit of Intelligence / Lightbulb

Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Mag’har Orcs (Maybe): The Naaru
(Given that the mag’har have been dealing with the Lightbound, it’s possible they learned the draenei secrets to use against them. Lightbound who betrayed or defected from their ranks.)

Troll, Zandalari Troll: Fetish of the Loa

Tauren, Blood Elf, Void Elf, Vulpera, Pandaren: The Sun / An’she

Night Elf, Nightborne: The Moon / Elune

Kul Tiran: The Tidemother / The Sea

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