Master of the elements visual is gone

Ive noticed since pre patch the visual that displays when the buff is applied is no longer there.

Or am i the only one remembers that there was a visual that signaled the buff is applied?

Not having a visual que anymore confuses me because when i dps as elemental and master of the element buff is applied i know from the visual that said buff is active.

Bug report it for sure, a lot of visual stuff got bugged in the patch. Traveling storms completely removes the animation, sound effect and visual from thunderstorm for example.

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I will definently bug report it.

Thing that bugs me though is, from Blizzards track record. Things stay bugged for months.

Yeah i mean i cant really blame them too much, they are working on a game that is 20 years old with code that is barely used today. They have already talked about how difficult this is for them and has been for them over the years because anything new they do can and will break things and having to work around 20 year old code to find the issue is rough.

Thats why they said a lot of the recent issues have actually been from them trying to update the code and the engine. They just talked about it a few weeks ago. Thats a great sign as it can ensure future longevity of the game. We’ll just have to deal with that as it comes and report things as much as possible, they will get to it.

Makes a lot of sense too when we see what has been bugging recently. A ton of class/spec bugs related to abilities, visual bugs like loss of animation/visual. I can definitely see that being a symptom of them trying to go back and update old code.

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