Master of Harmony Bug -- Does not apply to Absorbs

Hello! A warning to Mistweavers who are looking to play with Master of Harmony this week now that it’s been buffed…

If you are trying to get some extra damage out by utilizing the Master of Harmony DoT, there is currently a bug where the DoT does not apply to targets with absorbs on them. This means you lose out on the damage of the DoT and the bonus damage you deal to targets who have the DoT.

This also means Master of Harmony has almost no offensive power in PvP, since so many players have various absorbs on them at all times.

For example, the DoT won’t apply to anyone who is in Earthen Wall, or who has a Disc priest healer. Warlocks get passive absorb from Soul Leech, so the DoT doesn’t apply to them, either. Warriors’ Ignore Pain fully invalidates the DoT, and the list goes on.

So until this is fixed, don’t be surprised if your Master of Harmony DoT is doing zero damage in scenarios where targets have absorbs.


This is pretty significant and I’m surprised its not getting much attention. Especially in PvP with the abundance of Discs and within PvE in the Healing absorb fights.

(Edit: Hit delete on the previous post by mistake)

According to many of the monks I’ve spoken with over the past day, this was reported throughout beta, and the response from Blizzard was that this is the intended behavior. So the hero talent does no damage at all when you need damage the most (breaking through an absorb shield), and it does no healing at all when you need healing the most (getting healing absorbs off your teammates).

I can’t imagine how or why this would be the intended behavior, but… Apparently it’s not a bug.