Denounce them publicly, don’t buy stuff from them, have public discussions about the corruption, there is much the so called good guilds could have done about it.
Broad generalisations are the bane of reasoned discussion.
Don’t say ‘never’ unless you have definitive proof of a 100% situation. There are a lot of very decent players out there who aren’t in it for themselves.
Ask any psychologist, its a fact. No human is without bias. Which is why RNG is infinitely more fair. Yes there are many decent players, none of them without biased judgement, because its a part of the human condition.
i dont like ML either OP and good news is they tried it again in legion an then immeditly scrapped it again come bfa so it probobly will never come back so dont waste your breath
Biased judgment is what made it work, and also what made it not work sometimes.
Do you give it to the person who will gain 15 ilvls for it, or 5 ilvls? RNG will not care, but a master looter can give it to the one who would need it the most.
Do you give it to the person who is consistent and comes to every raid, or the person who shows up less than half of the scheduled raid nights? RNG will not care.
Do you give it to the person who has been running the same class since the dawn of time, or to the person who changes mains every two months? RNG will not care.
Do you give the piece of gear to someone who will just disenchant it because it is poorly itemized for them, or the person who would have it as BiS? RNG will not care.
Bias, as you are using the term, is instead the concept of rational thought and decision making. The problem with personal loot is that it is very group-unfriendly, “Oh, that’s a nice staff you got there. Even though you have higher item-level MH/OH combo, you can’t give that staff to your guildmate because your highest item level 2h you had was from last tier.”
If they break apart the limitations that prevent gear from being traded because of a silly and often pointless “it is an Item level upgrade!” part of Personal Loot, it would be perfectly fine. That’s literally the only thing that makes Personal Loot a mess.
That would be an acceptable compromise I think, If and only if guilds know there will be consequences for demanding things from people who need it. No “we know you need it but we think this other guy needs it more”. No peer pressure to give stuff away.
Perhaps rather than using force, guilds can act like legitimate organizations and pay people for their property the going AH rate for equivalent item level gear, if there is no such level gear on AH, extrapolate the price by going off the trend price of lower item level gear on AH.
Guilds are typically ran with socialist policies. If only we had some sort of technology that would determine is a raid group is a guild run and let the guilds have more control over their community…while protecting the overwhelming majority of players in PUGs by letting them stick to Personal Loot.