Massive stutters with DF client

Ofc it doesn’t work, haven’t had HDDs in any systems for a decade, let alone those I sell at work.


Go check the Nvidia, AMD and other modern online game forums for a laugh… You’ll see hundreds of threads and posts about “evwee gaeym wowks puwfect but this won.” There were dozens of titles that came out last year that allllllll you heard about was stutter this, lag that, frame rate this, etc etc. You know that game that won game of the year, Elden Ring? Yeah, it’s a horrible stutterfest filled with frame drops galore and it’s still like that today. Oh a real fun one is the Witcher 3 next gen upgrade where 4080s were getting like 35fps…

Just because a game like CoD might work fine, doesn’t mean WoW will. One has fixed assets that it loads, the other is completely dynamic and open world. So then when you compare something like WZ2 to WoW, you start to see a semidecent comparison. WZ2 will have tons of frame drops in it as well, but even WZ2 still only has fixed assets that don’t vary once everyone loads in(can’t change your skins and things like that).

Again, I can post a bunch of FF14 clips for proof to show you an apples to apples comparison of what happens when you’re around something like 50 players and you’ll see the exact same thing happpen: Both will cap out threads and delay the GPU from rendering new frames. FF14 actually gets hit harder per character on screen than WoW does, even though from an objective and technical standpoint, the rendering engine is far more simple(more evidence of what being CPU bound does to a game engine).

MMOs are CPU bound and any time a game caps its thread limits, your frame rate will drop. End of story.

EDIT: Oh and if you’d like to self-debunk claims of WoW being so perfect before DF, you can always use the search tool, go to advanced and search for posts before a certain date. Do that for each expansion prepatch, before and after the prepatch and you’ll see a trend. You’ll see people complaining both before and after the prepatches where the engine would upgrade to the next version. You’ll find endless amounts of posts dating back as far as you can search.

FFXIV runs great—even in limsa. In comparison to WoW, Path of Exile runs great—even with six players full of effects flying across the screen.

But WoW? No addons, no other background apps, msi afterburner says no cores are maxing out, and still the game can’t even reach 60fps when players are involved and will drop to 30fps whenever it feels like.

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All I find is you trolling. Just like Emetaedhros says, all other games runs great.

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having this kind of issue but mostly when crafting and while in valdrakken , also while dragonriding

My time is up in 2 days. Though i’ve only subbed using gold since WoD, it’s kinda hard even spending 150k, just to play a stuttering mess. I’m seriously debating it. Not to mention my other MMO’s content is releasing next week, so should prolly just wait and come back.

Uncap your frame rate, go out into the world where there are few players, take note. Then, go back to Lisma or some other Goldshirelike place where there are tons of people, take note. You’ll see that even with a couple dozen people in view, your frame rate will be like 1/2 to 1/5 of what it was out in the world. You’ll go from like 200fps to 50fps…

POE stutters and frame drops like mad until most of the major shaders are built(at least on DX12, haven’t tested vulkan). Keep in mind, the game knows exactly what it needs to have in each zone you set foot in and there is very little variance/randomality that can occur. Once they are built, there’s nothing left to build and there’s a fairly finite amount of combinations to build. You can test this by clearing the shader caches for your drivers. They are located in a few different spots and some games use different folders. It’s also a game that uses a ton of instantiation for the mobs, so they can batch things like animations together.

Guess what other game still stutters like mad? Diablo 3… I was just playing a bit of it recently and it’s still a stutter/frame dropfest. Yeah, that’s right, a 10+ year old game…

Yeah, because like a typical forum complainer, anyone that doesn’t buy into the echo-chamber or agree with your opinion/complaint is automatically a troll. But be my guest and run a search on these forums for what I said… You’ll see exactly what I’m talking about, but oh wait, that wouldn’t support your claims that WoW was perfect before DF…

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No you are a troll b/c you refuse to leave a topic that has nothing to do with you. You fan the flames, irritate people on purpose, nonstop argue, and always trying to be right / get the last word.

People have called you a blizzard sockpuppet, or mentally unwell, or all the above. We have a legit issue. It does not concern you. Go away. Stay away. Happy new year forum crazy person.


Same here… No answers from anyone just a massive mess… So… Just taking a break until they figure it out… Not canceling or anything just taking a break so I don’t toss my computer on the floor…lol!! But yeah taking a break… This is a mess…


We aren’t experiencing frame drops due to mass amounts of people. We’re enduring frame time stutter. I moved my camera around in Valdrakken earlier and it kept dropping from 50ish to 20. It’s like it locks my game up. I have the game installed on an SSD.

Dude… You’ve said here that there is an issue with Windows that causes stutter with asset pop in.

Before that, you told me that it was intentional by design because of dragonriding.

Then you told people that we’re just misremembering performance because the system requirements changed.

You’re changing your answers per response basis. There is an issue. There is a problem. You’re trying to play computer genius and speak to us like you’re there working on the code and you KNOW. YOU KNOW. You can’t be wrong.

It doesn’t matter what settings I run the game on, I still endure stuttering like crazy. You’re sitting here white knighting blizzard like the engine is optimized the best it can be. Times change, Blizzard needs to change. This was an issue with the dragonflight client and nothing else. Beep boop beep.

robotic voice Transmission ended


Just an update as my 5800X3D has arrived:

This CPU is a beast for gaming, running wow with over 250fps in open world at 1440p with graphics set to 7.
Unfortunately, even changing the cpu DID NOT fix the issue and the sttuters still occur and are VERY noticeable.
What annoys me the most is that none of my guildmates are noticing any of these stutters, this is what has kept me looking for solutions and since this was my last attempt I will give up for now and wait for an update.

PS: I also tried a new clean install of W11, this time using and iso from an older version (21H2), same result.


I play FFXIV with GShade installed to improve the visuals and still run the game at 60 fps and no stutters. The game looks much better than WoW and still runs better in any area. Blizzard messed up.


A lot of people just don’t notice stutters

Take any game using something like UE4 with shader compilation stutter on PC and people will swear their game never stuttered on a machine from 8 years ago

The only way I’ll believe some people aren’t getting them when multiple reports of top of the line machines are getting them is a frametime graph

Popin doesn’t mean stutter. Popin just means when assets shift LODs or appear based on distance/screenspace size. You can run at a perfect 200fps and the assets might still lazily popin or shift LODs, that part is by design.

If new assets are loading and and causing stutters, that type of popin just means shader stutter usually, or some kind of IO issue handling the request from the game to load the assets from the drive and that is part of what I meant with the DWM/MPO/security stuff.

You were, which is why I said do an advanced search before date on the forums here to see countless threads with the same complaints throughout the years. You just weren’t looking for the issues before this thread and you hadn’t spent a lot of RECENT time around tons of players in the same area dense, due to this expansion being new. The CPU usage did go up with 10.0, but so did the recommended hardware requirements. It’s not like it doubled or anything either, but it did go up by a bit.

Great, now remove that cap and test what I said, then do the same for WoW. You can also do both tests capped to 60. Make sure both are in modern zones. FF14s most complex zones would be somewhere around WoD level complexity, so compare it to a zone there. Then compare frame rates in something like Lisma vs Org AH when there are a lot of players around. Try to count them to compare equal numbers of players/pets/npcs around. You’ll see the relative performance drops in each game and FF14 still gets hit as hard, if not harder.

I’d correct that by saying that a lot of people don’t notice them if they aren’t looking for them. The catch-22 is that when people go to the forums and see a big thread about stutters, then they magically start looking out for them and might start to notice them, even if they hadn’t noticed them beforehand. They start running frame time graphs because they see people talking about them.

But yeah, getting frametime graph proof is the way to go. The problem is that most people don’t tend to have any prior information to compare it to, from before they started noticing the problem. So they will swear their game ran perfect before, even though it probably didn’t.

Though I guess it’s pointless to bring up the Mandela Effect because people will just argue it till they are blue in the face. Kind of like all the classic cultists that would swear up and down about something being some way, then Blizzard would throw out a ton of proof that they were wrong, but they would then swear that Blizzard was lying and that they remember it perfectly…

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Where do you get the inspiration to write novels of nothingness? You could at least be concise with your BS.


I actually was testing 10.0.0 on PTR and the first time I logged in, I immediately noticed a difference from (then) live. At first I thought it was an addon conflict so I disabled everything and the issue was still glaringly obvious when comparing directly to live in the exact same areas.

Funny you say this, I literally just installed a 5800X3D in my system today to compare it to the 5950X I had previously with a RTX 3090. There is no getting around the fact that the V-cache on the 5800X3D absolutely muscles it’s way through WoWs engine. Previously (on quality 7) I was getting around 58-85 fps in Valdrakken, now I am getting 82-100 (capped in game). As you said though, the processor cannot make up for WoWs poorly threaded engine and you will still get the npc/player stutters, albeit less noticeable.

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You talk a lot of crap. Are you getting paid to defend Blizzard or something? FFXIV runs better than WoW, end of story. I didn’t have these problems before the pre-patch, now I do.

just a perspective from outside the issue

I am one of Nowák guildies and I can assure you I am not having any stuttering issues as he does, my FPS issues are saved for 20+ people raid and in valdraken, i have a gtx 1060ti 6gb, wow is locked in 60 fps and it goes down to 40 when dragonriding at max speed in open map (running everything at ultra)

Valdraken is exceptionally low fps when dragonriding but i just assume is due to my kinda old graphics and heavy graphics config, but the important thing is: I don’t experience stutter or fps drops while in combat, game runs as the same as before, running everything at ultra, valdraken stays at locked 30 fps but it do not goes lower than 20 even with dragonriding, i also have multiple heavy programs running alongside wow - like VirtualBox, that i use for work.
In Nowák’s case his fps drops by like 30 just by casting lightning shield standing still on open map with graphics config lower than mine and outside of combat - that behaviour does not occur with me

Yeah, those are the only two possibilities in the whole wide world. You seem to demand people listen to you, but do you ever stop to listen to yourself?

Yes, everybody else is wrong and you stand alone as the only correct person. Nobody ever thinks that on the internet…


Uh… Obviously my fps is lower in populated cities compared to open empty areas… I know this. Lol.

I’m not asking for 160fps in valdrakken. I’m not even asking for 60fps (though I really should be able to achieve this on low graphics with no addons) I’ll take even 40.

I am asking for a stable framerate. No flipping between 30-50fps. No stutters from entering a world quest area, entering or leaving combat. No stutters from landing or taking off. No stutters from the thundering affix triggering. No stutters from someone using a single ability—

If I uncap my framerate in the open world when there no players around I can go from 140 fps to 30 from just entering a world quest area. I can go from 50 fps in a dungeon full of mobs being pulled to 20fps because of ME entering combat (others already were in combat) or an aoe going off. No addons and this will happen.

Currently I have better performance on Ultra FFXIV than I do on Low WoW. Why? FFXIV doesn’t have the extreme stutters that WoW does. I just find this ridiculous.