Massive stutters with DF client

I was having the same problems found out I was running anti virus and windows defender…I uninstalled the anti virus and went with just windows and works great.
Hope this helps someone

I have the same problem. It’s a problem with the game… It can’t be that so many people have a specific problem on their PC. The game freezes. I bought the expa and paid the month to be restarting my PC every time the game crashes.
Win 11 + R5 3400g + 5600XT


We enjoying ourselves with another week of no updates on this situation?


Well seeing how Microsoft stated last month that they wouldn’t be releasing any major non-security related updates until January, and seeing how both AMD and Nvidia haven’t put out a new driver since the 8th of December(probably on break as well), it’s probably going to be a minute before things can start being worked on again… Also, the bulk of Blizzard were likely on break. It was the holidays and these people have actual lives.

Blues have already stated that these remaining problems are mostly on the Windows and GPU driver end of things, so make sure to pester Microsoft and AMD/Nvidia about all these as well. It might speed things up a bit, for those who still have issues.

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Yeah I’m sure it is Mr. knows-it-all. Same problem on Linux with Intel GPU and the trusty Apple machine. Oh what was that, the CPU bound equation coming up?


Same opinion.

First they make a game I hate (Shadowlands), but it’s playable.

Now they make a game I love, but it’s broken, and I can’t play it anyway.

What the hell Lord.


Microsoft has already patched the known issue with Windows 11 22H2 with KB5020044 back on November 30th.

From the presser: "Windows 11 22H2 has been updated to include lower than expected performance in some games. Specifically, impacted games will experience stuttering or large framerate drops, with some users reporting screen tearing as well. Microsoft states that “affected games and apps are inadvertently enabling GPU performance debugging features not meant to be used by consumers.”

As all of us have found, the above issue was NOT the cause of the major stuttering issue that this thread is regarding. Moreover, individuals who were not using Windows 11 at all (but were using Windows 10, Linux, MacOS etc) were and are still having the issue.

After almost 2k posts here, and going around in circles, we can most definitely conclude that this issue is related to Blizzard’s engine and changes that were made to it in 10.0.0, where the game is unable to schedule threads efficiently enough to avoid bottlenecking, resulting in stutters. This is Blizzard’s problem to solve.


Drivers… Hardware level exploits don’t care about what OS you’re on. So similar fixes will be used in each OS platform. Linux still has to deal with a lot of security exploits that you’d find in Windows. Same with Mac.

But if you’re still refering to the overall reduction in average frame rate, that is still a CPU sided bottleneck. Again, there may or may not be some things Blizzard can or will do with the engine to reduce some of the CPU load, but the fact that they haven’t really talked about it means it’s likely here to stay, moving forward. They might make some optimizations here and there to reduce some of the load or thread it better, but people that don’t work with game engines don’t fully grasp how hard it is to refactor a whole engine.

Yeah that one was different, that was shader stutter due to the debug security stuff. It’s still not 100% fixed, but it’s better. Right now, a lot of the issues involve the DWM, MPO and security, which can all lead into lowering overall FPS and in some cases, stuttering while loading assets from a drive.

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Drivers on windows, AMD, NIVIDIA, Linux, Intel GPU are all bad? Or out of date? Totally bro, that makes perfect sense…

We are not going to let this die. We are not going to tolerate crap performance on a game we pay monthly for. Just wont do it. Its a matter of principle. I have all ready started paying my sub with gold, and once that runs out peace out.

We are paying for a HIGH QUALITY PRODUCT. Is this currently a high quality product? No. It is not…

I am growing more and more impatient and frustrated with blizzard. We have been extremely patient and understanding.


The wonderful progression of Pawgwalker everyone.


Way to not include the key post explaining how there are three major issues that people are lumping into this thread… Again, the overall reduction in frame rate, while near many players and that happens whether you’re on a 1050 or a 4090, is a sign of a CPU bottleneck, that can be coming from the game, security issues, drivers, open apps or operating system environments. The game does use more CPU in 10.0 and the hardware requirements were raised. The popins, while flying around, are likely deliberate and happen even if you’re on a locked 200fps. And the stutters, that some are still having, are likely due to OS+drivers+security+background apps and the rest of the operating environment. Otherwise, everyone would be dealing with them and it’s simply not happening like that.

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We’ve established it’s probably got something to with the CPU but this was not by design. This is also having to do with pop in, the pop in of players. We’re talking about the small frame time stutters that are happening. That is on Blizzards engine. This started happening with the Dragonflight prepatch.

We understand that they are bound to happen anyway, but we’re saying they SHOULDN’T. Dude, we can cap FPS and it still stutters. Whilst the CPU requirement went up, we’re well within the requirements asked with issues still rearing their head. Which is it? It’s an asset loading issue or it’s our cpu being bottle necked, no matter the framerate we’re getting?

This is unacceptable. The point of my last post was proving the contradictions you have made on this forum post. You do not work at Blizzard, I don’t work at Blizzard. We don’t know the problem. Quit acting like you’re some programming genius who can understand what’s going on without even seeing the code.


Wahhh my game is unplayable because I only have a 12900k I’ll have to get one of those 7950x3D cpus officially announced like 5min ago to play this almost 20 year old game without massive stutters.


No, that was rectified by Blizzard (not Microsoft) on or around 27th October after the community discovered Blizzard was caching to storage rather than RAM:

Ironically, I suspect a lot of people have upgraded to 5800X3D to try and get around the inherent flaws in Blizzard’s own engine!


Pawgwalker reminds me of that dude from Grandma’s Boy. The guy who made robot noises. I think his name was JP? Or something. I like to imagine that’s what we’re arguing with.


OMG yes! I loved that movie!

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Yeah I def see JP in this guy.


I’ve never in my life seen someone make such an idiot out of themselves yet still refuse to leave. Pawg is one of a kind.


Yeah it’s really very simple. High end machines, no issues with other games, have issues with WoW. Problem is WoW. Conversation over. This Pawg person is just trolling.


After more than half a month of setting, I have completely solved this problem. The main reason is that now when the game freezes, the game will read your disk crazily, causing your disk usage to reach 100% in an instant, and then stop reading. If you have a solid-state hard drive, please install the game to the solid-state hard drive, and the most important thing is to set your virtual memory space to the solid-state hard drive. Don’t set it on the mechanical hard disk. If you set it like this, it will completely eliminate the freeze of the game. If this method works, please reply me.