Massive stutters with DF client

Thank you so much. This fixed my issue. Game is playable again.

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Just tried it, no go for me. I stutter a lot in instanced zones. AMD 3700x 32GB RAM 6600 XT and SSD drive. Outside instances I can get up to 300 fps without any stutter on max setting except for shadow which is set to lowest setting

This isn’t a fix; I do this for all my games by default. I’ve tried all imaginable things to improve it, pop-ins and stutters are still there.


I’ve tried these settings and it makes absolutely no difference at all with regards to stuttering caused with the release of pre-patch. This is on a newly installed Windows 11 22H2, nVidia 3090, AMD R9 5950x, 32Gb 3200DDR4, 1tb nvme SSD separate from a 512GB nvme OS SSD. All chipset and device drivers up to date. Issue only started with 10.0.0 release.

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With FSO still off for WoW, can you guys all try disabling MPO and rebooting your PC, then try again? Yes, it’s an Nvidia link, but even AMD support will link it. It’s a part of Windows.
Download and run the disable one, then reboot. You can reenable it with the other if you want. I disable MPO on all the machines in our house because it causes issues with work related programs(UE editor menus bug out with it on sometimes and it gets annoying restarting the editor).

Also, another variable for me, that might be different for you, is that I globally enable VSYNC and disable it in games so that the global version controls it.

Also, if possible, can you get a frametime graph of it happening? Just use RTSS => options => refresh period=0 => check “enable frame time history overlay” and set it to graph => hit okay. Then make sure “show on screen display” is set to on and that “show own statistics” is set to on. It will give you a really accurate high speed frame time graph that can show single frame stutters even.

Sure I’ll bite again, so other’s don’t have to. Tried this on a couple of systems, will try on prebuilds at work on Monday. No difference and frametime I know a lot about, it looks like an EKG when stutters happen, ideally you want a flatline.

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Have you tried tabbing in and out? Sometimes I have to do that to get it to lock on. But is the EKG look is happening even when still and nothing new is popping into view?

If you know how to view other readings, check to see what your core clock is looking like on your GPU. Make sure to set your polling rate as low as you can if you use Afterburner (100ms is as low as it will go). A couple posts ago, I talked about what the issue was and how it was going away if I recorded with gamebar because it was keeping my clocks saturated. The compute effects thing was really weird though how if it was on high or ultra, it would trigger the clock rate jitter, which gave me the EKG stuttering(that was before I figured out the FSO fix on this machine). On good or lower, it went away.

I still have the stuttering, and ever increasing RAM usage since prepatch. Have to close my game every 30 minutes because it eats up my entire 16GB of RAM (it starts off only using 4 when launched).

Win 7 SP1 64 bit
i5-4690K @ 4.40 GHz @ 65 degrees C under load
Samsung Pro SATA SSD 256GB
GTX 1660 Super @ 69 degrees C under load
Plenty of cooling temps always fine

Happens on a 100% fresh install redownloaded from scratch.

I am running DX 11 Legacy, Vsync on, Triple buffered (60Hz monitor @ 60FPS foreground/background).

Have tried with Shadowplay recording software on/off
Have tried the ShaderCache console command thing people posted early on
Have tried with and without addons - makes no difference
This RAM increase happens even when standing still in a quiet corner of Stormwind or Orgrimmar!

Nothing I do my end seems to stop the memory leak.

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are they still working to fix at least?

Pawgwalker thanks for helping out.
My system is about 98% smooth I would say.

1-) I check disable fullscreen optimizations in the WoW retail folder
2-) I disabled MPO
3-) I globally enable VSYNC and disable it in games so that the global version controls it.

I set the foreground FPS to 100 and the Background FPS to 60
Target FPS unchecked.

This is on a:
Processor:Intel(R) Core™ i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
Installed RAM:16.0 GB
System Type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
OS: Windows 11 Home - 22H2 OS Build: 22621.819 FULL UP TO DATE
RTX 2060 - driver version 526.98
Monitor: Gigabyte Aorus FI27Q Gaming Monitor
WoW installed on a NVME drive. No addons

I hope so. IDK about all ya’lls stutters but, I’m not going to continue paying for a game with asset pop in issues this bad for much longer.

Everything looks fine on RTSS overlay, be it on my own system or the ones I’ve tested at work. The graph is pretty stable standing still in Oribos, but if new players pass by it spikes a little.

Also I “only” have two problems that is identical on countless of systems I’ve tested these last weeks; stutters related to loading in players/npcs or assets/objects, and stutters when entering a new zone/area (like when you get a text on screen with name, and it changes name on minimap).

One common thing I’ve noticed is that WoW likes to put a lot of resources on one CPU core. Also, if putting GxAllowCachelessShaderMode back to 1, the insane camera stutters return, which we all know was on the PTR/Beta but NOT on retail before pre-patch went live. I still believe that’s the culprit.

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On my PC with a GTX 1650, I can’t run WoW on DX11 Legacy because it memory leaks until it crashes. Thankfully, it doesn’t even try to play the game. It will just white screen the window until I kill the task. Try using DX11 or 12 instead. I think there’s some bug with the latest or near latest drivers and Windows 11 22H2.

Great, hope it stays that way! WoW still has a lot of CPU bound issues and there have definitely been some changes to their core engine.

99.99999% of game engines are single core for the main thread of the engine. Any extra cores used are for async tasks and things like sound. MMOs are pretty much always single core bound.

UPDATE on the issues I was having, but fixed, with my RX6600:
Doing more digging, it turns out that a lot of the problems I was having with the clock speeds going crazy, leading into stuttering and frame drops, is actually caused by aggressive downclocking when the GPU doesn’t feel enough load. You can read up a ton on it on AMD forums, but I guess it’s a problem that a lot of people have had with the 6000 series of cards. It’s to help keep the efficiency up and not waste as much power. Unlike with Nvidia cards where you can set the power management to max performance, which mostly keeps the clocks high, AMD doesn’t have this driver option. You have to resort to 3rd party programs to remove the DS_ flags and reboot(deep sleep flags, and you have to redo it every time you update drivers).

I guess AMD has known about it for years now, but don’t really care or something? I don’t know, this is the only PC that I’ve used an AMD GPU to game with in well… Probably since it was still ATI. Ironically, I think the last game I played with an ATI card was WoW, back when Wrath originally came out.

There might be some things WoW could do to trick the GPU into staying loaded, to keep the clocks high, but realistically, it’s an AMD issue that would need to be addressed with drivers. Windows might factor into it as well, if the window is having focusing issues, because it might drop the GPU load suddenly and rapidly. For now, my fix, on this PC, has been to disable fullscreen optimizations because it’s obviously some Windows<>AMD issue that was causing my clocks to be all over the place. I’ve tested it out in a bunch of other titles and it fixed pretty much all of them.

Most of the systems I’ve tested on have Nvidia GPU and can’t say I’ve noticed any drastic difference between Nvidia, AMD or Intel GPUs in WoW tho. Only that higher end systems stutter less than weaker systems.

Dragonflight launches tomorrow and I’m still having these problems. I’m kind of surprised that there has been no word from Blizzard about this. =/


Maybe it’s fixed in next big WoW patch.

I honestly wish I could say the same. Unfortunately I’m not surprised since I’m a bitter, cynical long-time PC gamer who is likely only 1 generation away from being an ex-PC gamer because I’m tired of being treated this way.

Life is too short (and too expensive) to pay to be a beta tester and waste my precious free time trying to work around developer’s unfinished and/or unoptimized piles of excrement that are forced upon us. I’m too old, I just want to get down to playing… So thanks Blizz, for contributing to officially breaking my already fragile will to carry on with the masochism that is PC gaming!

It’s melodramatic I know, but there never has, and never will be an excuse to push unfinished products onto your paying customers, and it happens way too often on this side of the fence.


Notice on the Launcher: We will carry out a scheduled maintenance for this Monday so as not to fix the problem of stuttering and memory leaks and launch the expansion all $hitty and the players who are suffering from such problems, screw themselves because we don’t care about them.

Sincerely Blizzard Team


I just join the plague of fps problems as well since last night, I was doing dungeon then all sudden I dc then dc again my wife started having same issues about hour after me now both of are fps rates are between 15-25. =( It suck’s so bad cause Dragonflight comes out tomorrow.

I have had this problem as well, but not to the severity as some of you have had. I just noticed after reading some suggestions that in places where I can recreate stutters by moving through the same areas at the same angle, that if I change the Compute Effects option to normal, it seems to improve or “fix” the issue for me. Oddly enough, after changing it to normal and then back to high or even ultra, it still remains “fixed” as in steady fps. That makes me think it is a glitch/bug of some sort regarding that setting and how it effects the game.