Massive stutters with DF client

I just deleted Overwolf and Curseforge, renamed Cache, interface and WTF folders and it still happens.
Here is my dxdiag:

Seeing the same issue here.

Win 11
RTX 3090 (factory OC)
Samsung Evo 970+ M.2 SSD
No add-ons installed.

Prior to the update everything was always smooth. Now I get frequent stuttering and frame rate drops. I’m seeing my frame rate regularly dip into the 20s in Oribos. :man_facepalming:


This is what it feels like to me. A massive memory leak where the RAM just gets throttled.

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I don’t use any add-ons of any kind. I’m quite militant about it, in fact.

so the devs are looking into this now? we posted these issues in beta and ptr shouldnt they have looked then? Just saying :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Not so sure about that. I’m not having any mem leaks.

Using the addon AdvancedInterfaceOptions, I managed to increase my fps a lot by basically click reset settings (you will have to redo some of them, but worth it). For the stuttering, under CVar Browser, you will have to search for GxAllowCachelessShaderMode and set it to 0, then do a /reload. Way less stuttery and now I have over 100 fps in Oribos, even before update I had around 80.

I’ve tried the GxAllowCachelessShaderMode 0. It almosts fixes the stutter. It does seem like a shader compilation issue!

**I’ve been getting 144fps (shader compil on/off) even with the stutters. Those who are having huge fps drops may be caused by another problem because i’m not getting any. I only stutter when turning the camera. My fps always stays at 144.


hard to argue with that…


yeah mine stays at 120 unless i turn my camera it stutters/freezes for a second drops like 40 frames and jumps back up to 120 then that area is fine so weird never did it before.


loll I was afraid this was going to happen when I played the PTR for 5min.


I confirm that stutters occur when the camera is rotated
Thanks for the config command. I’ll try it


now i get problem i cant get in game for some reason i have change my windows 10 to 7 after play 3 days now i click play i get error ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception now i can play beta without any error anyone know whats problem?

Wrong post buddy! Go and make a new post for your specific issue. This one is for the Stuttering only.


yeah sorry for that but after new update that happen i try everything thats why ask here just maybe some one get same problem

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I reset UI, deleted curseforge/overwolf, did the irrelevant windows update that released today, power cycled network and pc - still having the stutter. While “unplayable” is used far too often, the game is genuinely unplayable with the stuttering.

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THIS works! Thank you!

A couple of things:

  • This was already posted in this thread. It is not a solution. It helps, but isn’t a solution.

  • The 2nd thing is already done via the first command. Do one or the other, you don’t need both. They do the same thing.


This absolutely worked for me! Thank you!

UPDATE: If you are doing the Cvar fix, it does not work 99% of the time. You need to manually add SET GxAllowCachelessShaderMode “0” to the config file. First time the line did not save so make sure it is still there by reopening the config file and ctrl-f search for it. If its not there, add it again.

I think blizzard might of turned shader compiling off. So we are all loading shaders on the go. That would explain the memory leaks some ppl have been having!

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