Massive stutters with DF client

Blizzard (unsurprisingly) didn’t fix the stutters, or even improve them. They did, however, manage to introduce some all new bugs (eg; the way equipped weapons now show when LW tools are equipped) and broke a heap of addons with changes they made to their default UI code.

Great way to prioritise!


Or the default UI code could have had bugs and could be leading into things like increased CPU usage. UIs eat up a lot more resources in MMO style games than people think. So I’d actually take that as a sign that they are looking for angles to optimize the CPU bottlenecking.

It was actually changes to allow the micro menu bar and bag bars to be customised further. Again, not criticizing their desire to improve things but rather questioning their priority of minor feature additions over major bug fixes.

EDIT: Credit where credit is due, it does appear that the freeze upon login has been fixed. (still testing…)

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Flood them with tickets apparently.


Flooding them with Tickets is not the Answer , you will just get the same Reply. Have you seen the Amount of Posts and Threads on Technical Support? Regarding all aspects of support in need. You have to Remember this is an “annoyance” issue not a Game Breaking issue thus the inaction of Bliz.


Well, here you go. Sub has less than a month left, doubt this will make any difference but at least I have tried giving you everything I can.

24 hours left on sub, not paying for a 20 year old game that doesn’t have the bare minimum optimization. Fire the idiot thats responsible for the game’s performance, simple as that.


whats with the necro bumps? i came to look at see whats going after patch with stutter. was fine yesterday but this is from oct

Its not a necro, thats how long this has been going without a fix.


The topic hasn’t closed since October because not a month goes by it’s not filled with comments like “still happening”, so the consistent replies keep it open.


Since 10.5 has gotten substantially worse


You are an idiot. Read before you post in the future.


Something weird going on with Raz fight. Literally 120 fps before fight, then it drops to 25 during fight and I ended up dying, then fps went back to about 100 (with raid still full casting on boss).


Same issue here… I had spikes and stutters. But it had stay in the 100’s. In old raids I held 165+. And according to my AMD software my average was 151.5 fps.

Now after the update old raids I dropped to 44fps. I have glitches like crazy. and in daily leveling and old areas I have as low as 40-50.

My laptop is an ASUS ROG Strix Advantage Edition.

CPU- Ryzen 9 5980HX
GPU- RX Radeon 6800M 12GB Vram
Ram- 16GB


When the orbs come out, I tend to get freezes.


Razageth heroic FPS is like torture, constantly 30-45 fps on a 5800x rtx 3070 ti rig. Fix this


you like name calling? isnt that against tos these days? if you dont have anything nice to say dont post at all

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In arenas, people are porting all over the place, when getting attacked from stealth huge stutters occur. It’s practically unplayable if you play anything that requires something more than run forward-zugzug. Started with the patch


Correct! It is happening on the character creation screen lmao.


it is game breaking, I lost 500 rating. I simply can’t play.