Massive stutters with DF client

I’m starting to think this is true. Apparently the newer generation of PC players just don’t care. After so many years of high framerates, if anything is amiss, unfortunately I notice immediately. I honestly wish I didn’t have such a sharp eye for it (I don’t need graphs to see DF runs like trash), because I can’t bring myself to lower my standards after decades of demanding smooth performance. I’ve spent a huge chunk of my total computer time just tweaking settings and finding the perfect sweet spot for my games. Literally hours upon hours just for WoW alone, only to run into a brick wall the moment DF prepatch hit.

Consistent performance to me is the absolute most important visual aspect of any game, whether it’s high or low FPS doesn’t matter, it’s consistency that really counts. Sadly I don’t think Blizzard is gonna do anything about this because as we said, nobody seems to care. So why would they waste their time? This might be just the way things are gonna be from now on.