[MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR 9.1] Unofficial 9.1 Datamine Thread

The Primus clearly isn’t the Runecarver leaving us once again with the possibility that the Runecarver is indeed Zovaal the Jailer!

Of course that means the Jailer we know is a Fraud(who also stole the Jailer’s Memories of making Frostmourne) though who would impersonate the Jailer is a big question.

The Candidates are: Nathanos, Parasite inside Sylvanas feared by even the Void Lords and the Arbiter!

Only the Arbiter is supposed to be older than the Titans so Gothik the Harvester being the one of the Eternal Ones is not surprising.

Of course this all means the Jailer was imprisoned following Wrath of the Lich King’s Naxxramas Raid… As for the Primus’s disappearance: Kel’Thuzad probably pulled off a dramatic reanimation while Gothik was investigating the Jailer interrupting the investigation.

The Primus was mentioned as conquering Maldraxxus which was created by the First Ones. No wonder the Pantheon of Death is described as being equal to the Titan Keepers who served as the Pantheon of Law!

Now we have to figure out how long Kyrestia the Firstborne has been running Bastion… Considering she is older than the Scourge Valkyr she can’t be one of them. She could of course be a Valkyr of Odyn explaining the Titan-esque theme of Bastion.

If Zovaal and Denathrius are the eldest of Eternal Ones then they would be obviously in league with each other even as the new Eternal Ones(upon gaining enough members) overthrew Zovaal to enforce their Religions!

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Letsss goooooo

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:eyes: :eyes:

If that means the actual token things will be worth more than 35 apiece and will therefore stack with the achievement based increase they put through yesterday, I forgive them but they really should have waited until today to implement it.

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I will be one happy goblin if this is what happens.

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No redeemed Sylvanas model so far…
SL expac may still be saved.


Never been happier than after seeing that Infernal Cascade nerf. Delete the class more please.

An expansion of the current trees.

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I like how the Jailor’s telescope has spikes facing right where your eye would go…

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Also Individual Shoulder Transmog.

Ner’zhul is 4th boss in raid?
Goddammit, I have to actually raid again.

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New Titles.
Please…PLEASE change “Protector of the Wealds” to “Protector of the Wilds”!

It’s so close to perfect!


A shame that they’re just throwing Kel’thuzad away in it.


Mythic Sylvanas drops a mount.


More legendaries! Covenant specific! Meaningful choice!



“…is a drop from Mythic Sylvanas”
OK SL saved.

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Let’s not get carried away. We’ll kill her, restore order to the balance of SL, and we’ll see Sylvie judged by what’s her face, and she’ll be redeemed and given another shot and not be headed to the Maw


SL is now ruined again!


Let’s be honest, this is the content we’ve all been waiting for.

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