MASSIVE p5 tank shaman upgrades

“Prot paladin with mana problems” if this isn’t a huge red flag about your paladin tanking knowledge idk what is. And you saying this when Naxx isn’t even out yet, where fights are on average longer. I hope at the very least you’re saying they have “mana issues” in AQ40 and not in BWL.

I like how you quote me, then change the quote immediately after and argue against something I didn’t even say.

Can you show some gear sets/numbers around for their defensive stats and tps/dps? I don’t know a thing about what shaman tanks are trying to do and I’m curious what you’ve actually got going.

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Ah, refreshing. Someone actually playing the game and not following a wowhead guide acting like they wrote it.

I’ve tanked a couple 5 mans and really enjoyed it.


Then why bring the shaman tank in the first place? Your class doesn’t raid tank, and it never will, and for good reason.


I remember shaman tanking 5 mans in vaniller. There’s been videos in Classic of shamans tanking some stuff which is entertaining; they are in a “viable but not optimal” position as a tank. Still fun to see the meme specs persevere.

“How dare anyone use readily disseminated knowledge!? What next? People spouting geometry without being a long-dead Greek philosopher?!?!?”

Found the troll guys.


Folks are 5manning 40man raid content, finishing BWL in 20 minutes, killing Onyxia naked and we are discussing if shamans can tank or not. I am raising it, not only can they tank, they can tank without all this gear. Vanilla is meme, I enjoy so much it being meme I don’t even play retail, or any other game pretty much.

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Sure they can tank. If you want to wipe due to rng a lot, raids to take 3x longer and play in a casual guild filled with good players.

Go for it man! Post the results here itll be fun to see. These are the ideas that made Vanilla fun. Ignore the meta downers.

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No one contests that if you throw Class X at a boss enough times that RNG will favor you, that person won’t explode, and you’ll get yourself a kill. That isn’t what the Shaman Tank advocates state. They argue Shaman are better at Tanking than actual Tanks and that any use of them offers zero downsides.

That’s a far cry from being a meme for memeing’s sake.

The last time a Shaman update occurred it was a 4+ hour video of BWL where the Shaman “Tank” died repeatedly and had to let the Warrior/Druid pick up the slack and do the rest of the work.

Shaman tanks are a meme

At this point any class could probably “tank” 5 mans and I bet if you really wanted to a shaman could meme tank mc with 6 dedicated healers wasting their mana pots

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I feel bad for the healers in whatever group these shaman “tanks” are “viablely” running

They sit there holding threat on a single mob while the healers have to pump them full of heals meanwhile the amount of healing they have to do to keep them alive is pulling aggro on any mobs that aren’t the shamans main target and the shaman tank has to scramble to earthshock each of the stray mobs every 6 seconds.

And then they all spend 30+ seconds drinking after every pull because both the healers and shaman “tank” are oom


Cool idea, but most of classic community will not accept this idea. Classic is only supposed to be played in a specific way and using enforced metas.

“Selfish”, as if putting in hours and hours and showing up to raid every week to play the game with 39 other people expecting a fair share of the pie is selfish because they chose the wrong virtual avatar in a outdated, 15 year old game that has content that’s far too easy to complete.

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some of those item are crafted.


With this gear set you can get around 550 - 600 tps and a hefty amount of stamina, this threat should be enough for most guilds doing AQ 40. I’ve tried shaman tank on phase 2-3 and it wasn’t that bad as a spec but the game was still new and players performed way worse than they do today, for example I had some instances where healers thought I would heal myself because I was a shaman and left me to my luck tanking a raid encounter, or sometimes people just didn’t healed me because they didn’t even notice the shaman marked as a tank in the raid frames, this exact same issue happened to many Druid tanks on phase 1-3 (but most people use healbot or similar this days so I don’t think that keeps happening). If you use mana potions, oils and sageblood potion which are available on the current phase you will get something around 200 mp/5 so I won’t consider going oom an issue any longer. For me the main issue while tanking was always the stamina, if a boss had a magic attack I knew it would mean that I could die really easily, the amount of health a shaman could reach during phase 1-3 was hindering in comparison to a warrior, druid or pally, and most of the times I died was to an unfurtanate spell crit from a boss.

With the gear available on phase 5 and the better healers we have today the viability of a shaman tank has improved a lot, shaman can get the similar hp levels as a fury war while having and only falling behind like a 15-20% on threat, shaman won’t certainly be as optimized as fury war for the raiding meta of wow classic, but I won’t consider it non-viable.

If you want to try shaman tank right now is the best moment to do so.

Remove the parenthesis enclosing the dots from that link if you want to check the gear set.

edit : I was talking about def cap wrong, my stupid brain was considering the avoidance amount required for prot pally to reach def cap.


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If you’re talking about the set you listed… how in the world is 359 Defense “defense cap”? Also only 7.4k Armor? This is pathetic.

you are right, I’ve got confused with the avoidance required for prot pally to reach def cap, my bad.

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