Massive nerf to spirit mend in SL

This is a massive nerf to the survivability of BM hunters.

From testing, it healed for about 10% of total health, maybe less.

Is this flying under the radar at the moment?

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Quit telling me what to do forum AI.

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Are you using aspect of the beast?

Not really.

It was there with the initial alpha changes.

In BfA, it heals for closer to 40% of our total health. In SL, it seems to be healing for around 10% or a little more, even with Aspect of the Beast chosen as a talent.

In Legion it healed for barely a few %.

How can it be this hard to balance this ability?

A few percent is too little/useless?
40+ % is too much?

Ok, then set it at 25% without the talent Aspect of the beast, and if you pick the talent, it puts Spirit Mend at around 32-35%.


Welp, it’s not really worthwhile using a Spirit Beast anymore. Be far better off with the Leech from Ferocity.


Probably because they forgot to add any new spirit beasts so they don’t want people using them lol


Maybe I’m missing something.

In retail, Spirit Mends gives me 47k heals - about 8.6% of my 544k health

On Beta, Spirit Mend gives my 51 Hunter approximately 2k. That’s about 9.1% of my 22k health.

It’s a copied character so it’s geared exactly the same.

Unfortunately, the templates don’t have a Spirit Beasts so I will have to wait until I reach 60 (tomorrow?) to check that.

I’m not seeing any nerf here.

Not sure where you got the 2k from.

I copied my hunter over a few weeks ago and tried it. Think I had around 26k health and spirit mend ticked for about 650 with the initial tick reaching 950 or so.

My Hunter was only 50 though…but I doubt that Spirit mend scaled that much with one level.

It’s from the tooltip.

I just tested it with Details on my templated 60 Hunter. It healed me for 2.9k at 60 with 23k health (12%). The buff was showing 438 per tick which is very close to the 2076 promised from the tootltip.

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math is so hard for kids these days…


Currently (retaiil), spirit mend heals for more. Did you actually test it, or just read tool-tips?

Tested on a dummy: 27k heal (that can crit), then 5 ticks of 18k - 117k total.

Ah, you were talking about the total amount healed up, incl all ticks of the heal.

I went back on the PTR and tested again, to refresh my memory on the numbers, and I recalled wrong at first as it was the crit value which equaled what I mentioned above.

Now on the PTR, Spirit Mend healed my hunter for a rough total of 2600 with the initial tick reaching 600 while the others went at about 400 each. My character had 26.2k health in total so, that’s almost exactly 10% of my total health healed by Spirit Mend.

On live currently, Spirit Mend heals my hunter for 43k intially, and then 27k for 5 additional ticks(no crit), for a total of 178k.
178k out of a total health pool of 568k equals roughly 31.4%.

That to me sounds like about a 65% nerf to Spirit Mend between BfA and Shadowlands.

Edit: Yes, I had Aspect of the Beast picked as a talent both on live as well as on the PTR.

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And also not forgetting that Spirit Shock has been removed.

RIP Spirit Beasts.


Yeah…that’s what I get for working to tame 2x Loque for my Animal Companion to match :confused:

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Haha, yep. I have two of the foxes (Lightning Paw).

I do believe that Spirit Mend has been “bugged” since Legion, and wasn’t meant to be healing for as much as it is now.

The “nerf” really just brings it inline with what it was meant to be (according to the tooltip).

Either way though, this will really bite BMs. I see no reason to ever use a Tenacity pet now.

I mean…

It healed for pretty much nothing in Legion(around 2-3%).

They then buff it by roughly 1500%, going into BfA but…that’s not intended?

I guess I wouldn’t be surprised but, yeah.

The extra health + the DR(Survival of the Fittest) from Tenacity pets will have a hard time competing with the Leech from Ferocity, that’s for sure. Even for BM hunters.

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I recall it was healing for approximately the same amount as BFA (30’ish percent).

Perhaps my memory is just bad. :slight_smile:

It didn’t. Unless it was bugged for me for some reason :confused:

I still recall during Legion when I had around 4 million health while Spirit Mend healed for only around 150k in total. Which is actually the same as it does now in BfA for me(roughly), the difference being my healthpool is…a lot smaller now.

Well, the HoT effect was meant to be “total”, I believe. Not every ‘tick’ as it is now.

IE, it ticks for say, 18k now. Whereas the HoT was meant to be a total of 18k (or about 3.6k a tick).

I’ve not done the math, but I remember thinking it at the time.

I guess it could be either.

Either what you said there, or they just forgot to update the tooltip(not unheard of).

But yeah…either way, Spirit Mend healing for a total of 10% of your health pool, it’s more than nothing, but unlike now on live a 10% heal over that timeframe will never save you/meaningfully help you in any higher level of content.

It’s like a food buff, you will use it because in some small way it’s better than nothing, but at the same time, you will barely notice having used the ability.