Massive buffs to BM Hunter

I feel ya buddy…got as far with BM as you could with the currently crap balancing

LOL, happens to me all the time during AoE, at least it is usually when pack is mostly dead


Yup frustrating. Add to that our tank would chain pull packs once first was almost dead. adding new mobs continuously.
Even Had him as Focus Target hoping he’d settle on the highest high hit point add Otherwise its target out of range/dead when Tabbing. a bit of latency makes it even worse. Made a run with a pally tank He pulled smaller packs so I ended up # 2 dps as last week Bomb orbs galore.

Was fun watching myself shoot up the meter when WS and all the other stuff was off cooldown. Sadly his constant hit and run pulled out of WS as well.
Perfect for the Destro and Demon Locks though.

DW guys blizz just gave us another buff

Is there a point where keys can only be timed by the tank never stopping? If so, about what level does this start becoming an issue?

I just timed my first 13 last week and am working towards 15s. This is the first season I’ve actively tried to push to higher keys and get the mount.

I’ve mostly run with Bears and DKs as tanks and we are still at a point where they can usually stay in my WS. They always tell me where a good spot to drop it is, if I’m unsure.

I’m just wondering at what point does this become no longer realistic outside of Boss fights? Of course, I am doing these with mostly friends so we all know each other’s limitations and I don’t ask to go to higher keys yet.

That was a Timed 16 Streets run.
So Yeah Hit and run. No downtime and as few deaths to eat the timer as possible. Not BM Forte for sure.
Dungeons are huge mob number concentric needing us to use our big cooldowns on huge Trash mob pulls right before bosses negates our Niche ST as well.

Personally if the Developers would have lowered mob group count and increased said Mobs damage and HP for 1 or 2 specific dungeons That would at least cater to our <4 Target/ST Niche. I am sure it would also benefit a few other low AOE classes.

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Depends on the dps of the group. If you run feral Druid bm hunter and another Low tier class you will reach that threshold al out earlier

Are you not killing Uhr?

Ok. Makes sense. I’m currently working on 13-14s but missed timing them by a little. I’m also doing this with people that need some gear and we dont go with an “ideal” group but rather whoever is available.

My lock Alt (leveled 2 years ago) does massive AoE sometimes, but not being able to cast on the move is painful. Lol.

I’m pretty sure I can get the Mount achievement with this Hunter so that’s the plan.

I think if I routinely did High Keys or Mythic Riding, I’d be much more frustrated by the neglect BM has gotten. Being an average player makes it much less painful.

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